Page 34 of Locked Out

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The elderly man nodded. “Of course, sir. I will watch out for her.”

Louis came out of the kitchen just then. “Hey, boss man, anything you need me to do?”

“Stay alert,” Cash said. He wasn’t sure about the kid yet. The tall gangly youth rubbed him the wrong way somehow.

Louis bobbed his head. He had earbuds in so Cash wasn’t sure if he was agreeing or listening to music.


Louis lifted his gaze and gave him a wink. “Will do, boss man.”

“Gonna have to talk to Archer about him,” he muttered as he went to the stairs. “Give me a minute, Antonio. Gonna change.” The other man who’d been waiting by the front door nodded and then went outside.

A short while later, Cash was hurrying down the stairs wearing dark jeans and a black sweater with a black leather jacket. The barrel of his gun warmed against the skin at his waistband. He had another smaller weapon strapped to his ankle. He also had a couple of knives stuffed in various pockets. Can’t be too careful. At least the stitches had stopped tugging on his side and the pain from the bullet wound had diminished to a dull ache.

He climbed into the boat after Dante. Once they were settled, Antonio steered them over to the Grand Canal where he pulled up to a building. Antonio and Cash disembarked from the boat and stood on the stairs as Dante took the controls. Antonio spoke to the other man at the door in quiet tones. The guard nodded, gave Cash the once over, and then nodded again. He turned and went inside. Antonio glanced at Cash and raised his chin. They were in.

They followed the man down a wide marble hallway. The dark red walls and dim lighting reminded Cash of a gateway to Hell from some asinine horror flick. Cash waited for his eyes to adjust and he began to see the grand old place in a different light. It might have been a great palace at one point, but it had seen better days.

Their guide turned off the main hallway and led them through a doorway. The den he found himself in had a large desk with an even larger man sitting behind it. This room was dimly lit as well, but behind the desk, the wall of windows overlooking a large garden would make the space warmer in full sunlight.

The man behind the desk shifted his bulk as they entered, and their guide gestured for them to wait and then went over to the man behind the desk and said something in low, fast Venetian. At least Cash thought he recognized the dialect.

The man looked at them and then nodded. He gestured to the two seats in front of the desk, and they went over and sat down.

“Signore Crosera,” Antonio said, “thank you for agreeing to meet with us.”

“Your grandmother was a beauty in her day. Wasted on your grandfather but”—he shrugged—“that is the way of things. But her lasagna…” he kissed his fingers. “So, what is it I can do for you gentlemen today?”

“I understand you might have an idea where I can find a certain item?” Cash asked.

Crosera studied him. He ran a hand over his balding head as he made a sound deep in his throat. His dark eyes never left Cash’s face as he answered, “I have been known to be able to help people obtain certain items. What exactly are you looking for?”

Cash knew the game. Normally he liked games but today he was impatient. He didn’t like leaving Li and Davenport alone in the house even though there were many security measures in place as well as three guards on the premises. Still, the whole situation bothered him. Hell, if he were being honest, this case of nerves was about Riss. He didn’t like leaving her.

“I am looking for a book. It is leather bound with handmade paper pages. It’s tied closed with leather cords. This book contains information that I would rather not be out in the world.” At least that’s what Archer had told him. How his boss knew was a mystery.

“Ah, the Fitzgerald family bible. What would the Lock and Key Society want with that?”

Cash’s shoulders tensed. He’d said nothing about what book it was or that he was part of the Lock and Key Society. Hell, he hadn’t even known the family name of the book. Fitzgerald. Larissa Fitzgerald. It worked. Riss would be thrilled.

Crosera threw his head back and laughed. “Did you think you could go pounding around in Venice looking for something and none of the locals would notice?” He grinned. “There’s not much that happens here without me knowing about it.”

He inclined his head. “I need that book.” He wasn’t going to confirm or deny the rest of it.

Crosera gave a nod. “So I’ve heard.”

“Do you know where it is?” Cash worked to keep his voice even.

“I might.” Crosera cocked his head. “What is it worth to you to find out?”

Now they were getting somewhere. “What did you have in mind?” People like Crosera always had a goal.

“Membership into the Society.”

Cash’s stomach hit the floor. Membership was never up for negotiation. Not ever. “Is there something else that might interest you?”

Crosera’s face went slack. “No,” he said with enough force to shake his jowls.

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