Page 31 of Locked Out

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“Gunshots?” his voice was neutral, but he’d tensed. Likely no one else would notice but sitting next to him, his tension leeched over her. She seemed to be aware of every detail about him like how the pulse raced in his jaw. How he cocked his head when he was amused. How his smile made her insides melt.

“Someone said there were gunshots in an alley not far from here. It was all over the news. That type of thing is a huge deal here in Venice.”

Cash shrugged. “I’m sure it was nothing to be concerned about.”

Dimon shook his head. “The police are investigating but they haven’t turned up any real leads yet. They think the targets were a man and a woman because someone saw the brick explode over their heads and then saw the shooter. Said the gun was really long and didn’t make much sound.

Riss looked down at her menu, as the heat started up her neck and into her cheeks. Was he asking because he knew it was her and Cash? Was he taunting them? Could he have been the shooter? Cash was right; Riss was in over her head. To be sitting at a table with a man who might have tried to kill her was, to put it mildly, disconcerting.

Cash put a hand on her thigh under the table as he spoke. “I’m in touch with the police. They have no suspects at this time. They believe it’s some kind of grudge. You are in no danger.”

Heat went from Cash’s hand straight up her thigh to her hot center. Her lady parts starting to tingle. God, this man was so damn hot she wanted to fan herself. Or move his hand higher.

“After poor Alicia was murdered, I just wanted to ask. It seems Venice isn’t as safe as it used to be.” Dimon gave Cash a look as if to say Venice not being safe was somehow Cash’s fault.

“The world is not as safe as it once was,” Cash retorted, meeting Dimon’s gaze. “If you go looking for trouble you’ll most certainly find it, no matter where you are.” There was no mistaking the warning in Cash’s tone.

Cash’s hand was still on her thigh. She didn’t dare move. She wanted to shake it off if for no other reason than self-preservation but if she were being honest, it was comforting on one level and sexy as hell on another.

“Are you saying Alicia was looking for trouble?” Dimon countered.

“Who is Alicia?” Poppy asked.

“She was a member,” Peter supplied. “Died a while back. Someone killed her not too far from here.”

“Dear God!” Vanessa clutched her throat. “Cash, what are you doing about this? Did you find who did it?”

“I cannot comment on Alicia’s passing except to say, as always, you are all safe inside these walls. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee your safety outside of them. If you have concerns, I can supply you with the names and numbers to several reputable private security firms.”

Vanessa flicked her hair over her shoulder. “I should like those. Derek, maybe you could tell me who you use. I’m sure they’re good.” She looked up at him with widened eyes as she rested her hand on his arm. She blinked in an exaggerated manner that made Riss want to snort in laughter.

He responded, “Walker has better sources than I would.

“Alicia had pretty violet eyes like you do, Riss,” Dimon commented. “I’ve never met anyone else with them in my entire life and now I’ve met two women here in Venice. Were you related?”

It was an innocent question but one that came out of the blue. Riss wasn’t prepared. “Um, er, yes it appears we were related. My family history is…complicated.”

Cash hissed a quiet breath and flexed his fingers on her thigh as if to warn her to not say too much.

“I see.” Dimon shrugged. “I understand about family dynamics. These days, it all seems so much more complicated. I’m glad someone was a relative. It’s horrible imagining that Alicia wouldn’t be missed.”

“Will you be sorting her place in London? I only ask,” Peter commented, “because I have a niece who is in real estate. I’m sure she’d be happy to help.”

“I’m not really sure as yet.” Riss wanted this conversation to be over as much as Cash seemed to.

“Why don’t we move on to a happier topic like what to have for dinner.” Davenport shot her a smile and she had to admit she was grateful for the change of topic.

Dominik materialized and started taking orders. Riss stared at the menu without really seeing it. The topic of her sister’s death was more painful than she thought it could be, considering she didn’t know the woman at all. But talk of her murder, on top of everything else today threatened to overwhelm her. The last thing she wanted was for these people to know that she’d been the shooter’s target.

Cash’s hand slipped away and she missed the heat. She hazarded a glance in his direction. He had begun to chat with Poppy. Dejected, overwhelmed, and a little jealous of the attention he was paying to the other woman, Riss couldn’t remember what she’d ordered when Dominick appeared at her side.

Dinner passed in a haze of meaningless chatter. She managed to stay mostly silent. Davenport had flirted lightly but he’d done so with all the women. Peter and Daniel had gotten into a heated debate about politics and how to fix the British economy, which pretty much took over the dinnertime conversation. Thank God for small mercies.

She pushed back her chair and started to rise when Davenport stalled her with a hand on her arm. “Leaving so soon? I thought maybe we could have coffee and get to know each other.”

She blinked. “I don’t drink coffee at this hour.” It was a lame response, but it was the first thing that popped into her head.

Davenport chuckled. “We can drink anything you’d like.” His voice was low and there was a knowing twinkle in his eye.

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