Page 28 of Faker

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“This only works if you keep your end of the deal,” I growl.

Tears spring to her eyes. Fuck, I stop a step away from her.

“I know, you can do whatever you want with me,” she says, running a hand through her long hair.

That’s not what I meant. “I mean…” I mutter. I want to do and try everything with her. I scratch the back of my head, the only tell I’m nervous or I’m debating not killing a guy or taking all his money. With her, I’m nervous and anxious at the same time. But the coldness in my chest seems to make way for something else. I don’t know shit about her, but I want to know it all. Most of the time it’s the other way around, I’m not like everyone else, and right now there is only one thing on my mind. Her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she whispers.

“Let go of the sheet,” I order, my voice a dark whisper.

“You lose your pants first,” she counters.

I nod. “Done.” Pushing it down and kicking the pants away.

Her eyes scan my upper body and then down to my legs and the scars there. Some are from when I was younger and got into fights as a kid. Others are from the Army, or from when one of the guys stabbed me in the shoulder to get me to stop my fights with Han. I might tell her about it one day. Something tells me she isn’t scared of the stories I’ve never told a soul, because I didn’t deem anyone worthy to hear them. Why is she different?

“Now it’s your turn, kitten,” I tease her, and she snorts, and I love the sound she makes. With shaking hands, she drops the sheets, and as my eyes run down her body and over all her curves, I know I want to taste every single part. I take a step closer, and she doesn’t flinch when I reach out and grab the back of her neck, pulling a little on her hair to have her peer up at me. Her mouth opens and she wets her lips. I keep staring at her face. She barely has any makeup on, it probably got washed away by the shower we took. I like this more because she’s real. With my other hand, I cup her cheek and she lets me. She says my name on a breathless whisper and my dick twitches in my boxers. I breathe in her scent, closing my eyes for a second.

“I won’t hurt you, only if you want me to,” I tell her. When I open them, she’s staring at me and nods. Leaning forward, I wet my lips and press them against her mouth, not breaking eye contact. Storm’s intake of breath tells me she’s surprised by the way I take control.

“Tell me what you like,” she whispers, all shy.

I frown. “What do you mean?” No one has ever asked me that before.

She licks her lips again, all insecure. I grab the back of her neck. “Look at me. I don’t care what you do as long it’s honest. If the sounds coming from your mouth are the real ones then our deal holds.”

“Okay,” she says, staring deep into my eyes.

I nip at her bottom lip, and she moans, her hands landing on my chest, not pushing me away but exploring every scar there until one disappears in my long hair. The way she pulls on the strands while I tease my tongue inside her mouth makes me sway a little. I pull back. “Are you okay?” I ask, remembering what the piece of shit did to her.

“Yes,” she says, all sultry. Her cheeks are a little flushed and I want to tell her she’s never looked more beautiful, instead I kiss her again. I don’t settle for a soft kiss, I go all in, like I’m waging a war, groaning when our tongues dance and fight against each other. It’s fucking hot the way she bites on my bottom lip and licks at the place that stings.

Guiding her down on the bed, I don’t stop until she’s lying underneath me, shaking and breathing hard, her chest heaving as sweat drips down the side of my face, my long hair sticking to my temples. I trail my gaze over her flawless skin, loving the way her breasts move up and down. Watching me as I adjust myself, her eyes narrow. Not taking my underwear off yet, I decide to wait. Ripping open her thighs, she lets out a tiny squeal. I move up her body and she doesn’t shove me away. I put all the weight on my knuckles, careful not to crush her as I stare into her eyes.

She reaches up and pushes a stray lock of hair behind my ear, and I lean into her touch when she cups my cheeks, purring like some lovestruck teenager, but I don’t care. In here, with her, I feel I can show parts of myself I’ve kept hidden for so long. And I hate to admit, I’ve been starving to have someone touch me like she is doing right now. Like she sees me, the real me. I grind myself against her pussy and my dick twitches when I press against her clit. I groan when I move down, putting some weight on her and crushing her breasts against my chest.

“No condom,” I grit out, and she nods.

“Okay.” Her voice is small but filled with unmistakable lust. When I have her for the first time, I don’t want anything to stand between us. I want to feel everything when I sink into her wet heat. I drop my lips against hers and whatever she wanted to say gets stuck in her throat as she moans, her hands roaming over my back, tracing her fingers over the ridges of my scars. She grinds herself against my dick and I grab her hair and pull her head back, making her look at me while I tug my boxers down until I’m fully naked too.

She’s already panting hard, and I’m right behind her. I haven’t been this worked up before, and when her hand moves down to my ass, she smirks when I make a plaintive noise.

“You have a great ass,” she remarks and giggles.

I smile too. “No one has ever said this to me before.”

“No?” she asks, wrapping her legs around my waist.

I push forward and align my dick with her entrance, not going in yet. I growl deep and run my teeth over her collarbone and kiss her shoulder. She seals her lips on my bottom one and sucks, making me let out a string of curse words as I feel the precum flowing from my tip. With her eyes wide open, she arches up into my touch, and I circle my tongue with hers. We’re all wet mouths, and I’m done holding back. I want to disappear into her, I want to get lost and find whatever I’ve been missing all these years.

I look at her, those deep blue depths moving from left to right. Sweat is already coating her temples, making her more beautiful than she already is. Because I’m the one claiming her. The one getting her this wet. The only one she’ll remember. The fucker who had her before me isn’t going to hurt her again. She’s mine to hurt. Mine to hold. Mine to have forever. Even if she doesn’t want me, I’ll make sure she doesn’t forget this. I reach down between our bodies and turn on my side a little. Stroking between her thighs, I run my knuckles over her pussy lips, and she arches her back for me.

“Tell me if I’m going too fast or hard.” My voice sounds rough and tight to my own ears. I grab my cock and drag it through her folds, watching as they part for me. I’m already teetering on the edge. I haven’t been this turned on before. I’m sweating, and I grin as a drop falls between her breasts, running down to her bellybutton.

I part her lips and focus on her pussy needing to be filled. Her eyes slide shut, and I moan as her hands roam down my back like a caress, her fingers softly running over the scars there. Her pussy clenches under me when I guide the tip in a little. She whimpers as my name slips from her lips.

“Are you okay?” I ask, my voice breathless and hoarse. What is the feeling I get whenever I look at Storm? I don’t want to hurt her. My body flexes involuntarily as she moves under me, letting me slide in a little deeper as she groans my name, clutching at my back. She pushes a lock that escaped down my forehead back behind my ears, and I keep staring, breathing in the sight of her.
