Page 18 of Untamed Obsession

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“I took after my father running the family business,” I replied.

“What did you say he did again?” Maria asked, pressing harder, getting bolder.

“Well,business,” I replied nonchalantly.

“What kind of business?”

“Oh, all sorts. Most of it is very lucrative. We built some of the pillars on which this city stands today,” I replied.

“Oh, so you work for the city, then? There must be a lot on your plate,” stated Maria. She swallowed the rest of her champagne in one swig and set the glass down before turning to face me.

“Something like that. And you havenoidea.”

“So that’s how you acquired all of your connections? That's how you were able to get me fired from my job?” Maria asked, the rage in her tone evident now.

“How about I get the dessert?” I tried to divert her. I had hoped the conversation would have waited.

“No, I don’t want any of what you’re offering. So, let’s not change the subject. I lost myjobbecause of you, and despite everything, something told me against my better judgment that I had to come here to talk to you tonight, because I need answers, and someone has to pay for what you did to me. I’ve done nothing wrong you, but,fuck, you hit me with your car, and now you’ve taken away the only thing that could save my family!”

I put down my glass and ran a hand through my hair. She was a spectacle to behold, and as a result of how angry she was, her beauty was a lot more striking. “The truth is, that I only did what I did to get closer to you. If you want your job back, I can give that to you. Hell, I can give you something even better! I can make sure that you never have to work a day in your life. I want to know you, I want to help you. To put it simply. I. Want. You.”

Maria was taken aback. “Well, I’m flattered, but I’m sorry to say that the feeling isn’t mutual. Please, stop playing this mad game and give me my life back.”

“I've seen the way you look at me. Youfeelsomething for me. You want me, just as much as I want you. I know this. You know this. It’s why you came all the way down here, don’t deny it,” I replied.

“You don’t know anything about me! If you did, you’d know that you shouldn’t try to mess with me. Look, this is too much! It’s insane.” Maria rose to leave. “I’m going now, and when I get home, I want everything you have taken from me back how it was. Otherwise, I’ll make your life hell. Nothing will stop me; I’ll use every last breath to make sure that I do.”

“I’m sorry,” I rose to my feet and walked over to her seat, “but I’m afraid I can’t let you leave.”

“You can’tlet me? Do I look like I need your permission? I have a home to get back to. A family. I’ve come here, I’ve respected your crazy dinner, and now I have had enough of this. Please, just let this go. Letmego! ”

Maria pushed her chair aside and turned to head back inside. I grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me, bringing her just a few inches from my lips. I felt her body shudder and twist and watched as her eyes searched through mine.

She wanted me.

She wanted this.

There was no denying it anymore.



He held me tightly as I tried to leave again, and I was filled with rage. I saw two sharply dressed but dangerous-looking men leave through the elevators from where we sat, and if I’d learned anything from the thrillers my mother loved to watch years ago, it’s that these men are always watching their boss closely… Ready to do his bidding at the slightest tilt of his head.

“This is ridiculous! You can’t keep me here against my will. So, let me go before I call the cops.”

Even I knew that was an empty threat. Somewhere inside my mind, I could see Johnny laughing at me. God, that was such a stupid thing to say.How many times do I have to tell you? He has them all on his payroll, I could hear him repeating in my mind.

Angelo smiled, his eyes sparkling. I could see how much he loved the challenge, getting a rise out of me when I was upset, and it angered me more to know that instead of being threatened by my anger, he was attracted by it.

“Like I said, you will leave when I ask you to. Let’s have another drink, shall we? What shall we toast to? A new friendship? An alliance? I hear your mother is sick, after all. You know there are so many things I could do for you.”

“You must be raving mad if you think any kind of friendship can exist between us, and you leave my mother out of this!” I replied with a fury that surprised even me.

This man was dangerous. And yet here I was, with a newfound insane audacity, wagging my finger and yelling at him. My mother always warned me about my temper and what would happen if I didn’t learn to tame it. I’d be damned if she wasn’t right.

Angelo’s smile broadened. “You fascinate me, Maria. So small, yet so feisty! A little lioness, with hair to match. And you may yell all you want, threaten to bring down fire and brimstone on me, butyou… you can’t go anywhere until I ask you to. See those men over there? They are my guards, and even though you practiced CrossFit in your spare time at the hospital, I don’t see how you can get past them. Or me.” He grinned devilishly.

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