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The gun goes off, a bullet tearing into the wall a few inches above his head. A squeak of shock and horror escapes my lips, but he doesn’t flinch. He turns with something white held in his hand and tosses it my way. It falls at my feet.

“A white shirt. Just like you asked,” he says. “You’d look beautiful in anything, darling, but how are you going to put it on and keep that gun on me?”

I glare, bending at the knees and squeezing my thighs together as I crouch to grab it, not willing to give him the satisfaction of another glimpse of my pussy. “I’ll manage,” I mutter. “You come after me and you won’t even hear the shot that kills you. You taught me a lot, maybe too much.”

“You were always a good student.”

With that, I’m gone, darting out of the door with the gun in one hand and the shirt clasped in the other. I dart naked to the end of the corridor, then through a doorway into a stairwell, ignoring the elevator. I don’t want to wait, and I don’t know how much control he has here. If he called security and told them to stop the elevator with me inside, would they do it? Trap me?

I can’t take that risk. I back to the wall, breathing heavily as I clasp the shirt to my chest, my nipples still peaking at the memory of the look in his eyes.

My husband. My stepfather. My lover. My captor.

No,no, no. I have to leave. I have to get away.

I pull the shirt over my head.This isn’t his.It’s kid sized.

It’s short enough to leave my ass exposed, and thin enough to give a full view of my pebbled nipples. Damn him. I have no choice now. Raking my fingers through my hair, I dart for the stairs and make my way down to the next floor my bare feet slapping on the hard floor with every step.

Fuck, this place is a maze and I have no idea who I can trust if I meet anyone.

It takes me forever to make my way through the building, going as stealthily as I can and doubling back on myself several times when I find a dead end or a locked door.

Finally, I find the first floor and an unlocked door onto the sidewalk. I burst out into the cool of the early morning. The moon is still hanging high in the sky, the city around the building a low hum as my heart thunders in my chest.

I’m leaving.

I’m leaving my husband.

I could be pregnant right now.

Stop. Focus.

I look over my shoulder, the back of the building a parking lot dotted with what must be staff autos because residents here don’t drive beaters like these.

I breathe a long sigh and glance left and right. In the distance, I hear the sound of an engine.

I shiver although the air outside is warm, knowing how exposed I am in the ridiculously small shirt.

Headlights catch my eye at the end of the alley, and a sob of relief clutches at my throat.

Darting into the headlights, I wave my arms in frantic panic. It’s a limo. One of those ostentatious stretched Hummers, long and sparkling, and I bet the driver wasn’t expecting to find a half-naked young woman tonight but I thank God for the first stroke of luck since I got here.

“Help!” I scream as it slows. “Help me. Please.” I dart around to the driver’s window, tapping the muzzle of the gun on the glass. “Don’t make me use this, please. I’ve been kidnapped. You have to drive me… somewhere.” My voice hitches as the tears flow, relief washing over me. “Please!I have to get out of here.”

“All right, all right.” The window lowers a few inches, where the kind eyes of a gray-haired driver in his sixties give me a sense of safety. “Where do you need to go? I’m an ex-cop, I can help.”

He steps out, and I lower the gun to my side, pulling the hem of the shirt down with my other hand.

If Ramses finds me out here, will he kill the driver? Will he tear open the doors and murder whoever is inside for stopping to help me?

Of course he would.

But there’s no sign of anyone coming after me. As I look up at the penthouse, I raise my hand and flip off the blank windows, imagining him staring out at me with that stupid, gorgeous smirk on his face.

My heart stutters for a second.

No, I tell myself. He’s a madman. He took you, carved his initials in your ass, forced you to marry him, filled you with his cum without your…consent.

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