Page 22 of Dancing in Sin

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“Whatever is said in here today, I want to make one thing clear. Do not mention Ocean. Even in a joking capacity. My papà cannot know about her.” My voice is stern and absolute, face serious. No matter how much Dante likes to joke around about Ocean; he needs to remember who we are dealing with when it comes to my father.

Dante clamps a hand down on my shoulder. “I am loyal to thefamiglia,Nico. But before that, I am loyal to you. Always.” he replies, with sincerity.

Blowing out a breath I nod. “I don’t know how some woman I barely know can fuck me up so much.” It’s an admission and the only one he is going to get right now. Dante knows me better than anyone. He sees how I am with her, so there is no point hiding the truth of my feelings from him.

“It happens to the best of us.” He says cryptically. I glance at him, the way his face falls, the broken look in his eyes. Hmm. Interesting. I don’t have time right now, but I make a mental note to ask him about it later.

“Let’s get this over with.” I sigh, starting towards the entrance.

Striding through the glass revolving doors, I ignore the people in the lobby, and we make our way towards the elevators. Hitting the button to the top floor, it opens immediately, and we step inside. Complete silence fills the small space as it ascends, and I am glad for it. Knowing my papà, he has cameras or microphones hidden somewhere in here.

The elevator comes to a stop, the ding snapping me from my thoughts as the doors open. Stepping out, we stride down the hall that leads towards my father’s office. His young secretary - who I know for a fact he is screwing - rises out of her chair, flashing us a white smile. “Nico. Dante.” She purrs seductively and I scrunch my face up in distaste. “He is waiting for you.”

With a nod of acknowledgment, we move past her, only to pause when I see more soldiers than he would usually have guarding the space.

“Something is not right,” Dante murmurs, echoing my own thoughts.

“Whatever it is, we will deal with it.” And with that, we carry on to the office, ready for whatever is waiting for us behind my papà’s door.


“Fuck,” I growl, shooting back my whiskey, then slamming the empty glass on the desk. Dante watches me, picking up the bottle of Macallan and pouring me another drink.

We are back at the club after the meeting with my papà and his consigliere. I thought news about my sister would be the worst thing that could happen. Or even the Bratva. I was wrong. What my father wanted to discuss was so much worse.

“Fuck is right,” Dante adds, watching me with concerned eyes.

He has every reason to be worried. I have been unpredictable lately but even more so when I walked out of that building. Rage consumed me, and when a random guy walked into me as I was walking to my car, I ended up punching him, then nearly pulling my fucking gun on the poor asshole. It’s not like me. I exert control in all parts of my life. But recently, I’ve felt it slipping.And it’s all because of a woman. I grind my teeth so hard I swear they nearly break. The conversation with my papà should be the final nail in my Ocean coffin, but still, it won’t make me walk away from her.

“I mean, I knew it would eventually happen but not this quick,” I grumble, as fury at the whole situation heats my veins. Fuck. I either need to kill someone or fuck all this pent-up anger out of me. Preferably the former. I swear my cock has stopped working for anyone other than la mia piccola ballerina. That thought only seems to infuriate me further and I take a mouthful of whiskey, hoping the burn of the liquor will calm me some.

Dante sighs. “What are you going to do?” he takes a sip of his drink.

I shake my head. “Nothing. This is my destiny. My legacy. He is Don. I can’t fight him on it.”

“But what about–”

I cut him off, knowing exactly what he was going to say. “This has nothing to do with her. I will carry on as I am. She is mine, but I have a duty to fulfill, and I will do just that. She only needs to know what I tell her and nothing more.”

He nods. “You’re right. Hell, doesn’t she think that you are a rich businessman? She has no idea that you’re the underboss and future heir to the biggest organized crime family on the East Coast.” His voice sounds as shocked as it should be. Everyone in this city knows who I really am. Well, everyone but Ocean. I would laugh if the situation wasn’t so fucked up.

“And it will stay that way.” I say firmly.

Because no matter my obligations to thefamiglia,it won’t change anything that is already set in motion. If I have to keepherhidden as my little secret, then that is what I will do.

Ocean is mine.

Nothing and nobody will change that.

Not my destiny.

And not even my papà.

Chapter 16


“So, you just click on the date they want, find a time slot that suits them and then add the client, treatment, and therapist?” I confirm with Macy, the manager atBellissima, the high-end spa Nico owns. After an hour of training on the computer in the reception area, I think that I finally understand how everything works.

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