Page 12 of Dancing in Sin

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“Sit. Down.” Two words. Two words that have terror snaking up my spine, making me freeze. My heart pounds in my chest and I don’t know how I am still standing. I want to run away,never come back. The only reason I don’t is because I need this job. Swallowing, I turn to look at him. I wish I hadn’t. He looks murderous. Like he wants to wrap those big hands around my throat and squeeze the life out of me. I want to defy him and stay standing, but there is being brave, and there is being stupid. And I have a feeling that stupidity will get me killed, so I sit. Satisfaction gleams in his eyes, no doubt at my submission. Clearing his throat, he speaks. “I asked you a question, Ocean. I expect an answer.”

My palms turn clammy, sweat drips down my spine. I just want to get out of here, but I know that he won’t let me go until I have answered his question. It’s like Déjà vu from my first time in this office. Eyes on Nico and with trembling lips, words tumble out of my mouth. “It’s safe. And cheap.” I add, dropping my gaze when embarrassment heats my cheeks. I’m not embarrassed about where I am living, honestly, I am grateful I have a place at the hostel. It’s just this man that reeks of money and power… well, I don’t want him to know anything about me or where I live.

When the silence gets too much, I lift my head to find him studying my face intently. He is no doubt looking for a sign that I am lying, but he won’t find one. It’s the truth. Finding somewhere safe to live in this city is a feat in itself. It may not be in the best part of the town, but it’s perfect for what I need right now.

“Hmm,” is all he murmurs when he seems satisfied that I am telling the truth. The sound from his sinful mouth has desire heating my blood and moisture seeping into my panties. My pussy clenches around nothing and I almost whimper at the need pulsing between my thighs. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, I squeeze my legs together, hoping to ease the ache he started without him noticing the effect he has on me. The smirk that curves his lips tells me my effort is no use. He leans in, well, asmuch as he can with a desk between us, a predatory spark in his eyes. My chest heaves in anticipation of his next words, my head feels light, as if I can’t get enough oxygen into my lungs. I suck in a much-needed breath. I am pretty confident that if I wasn’t sitting down already, I would have collapsed to the floor by now.

“What’s wrong, Ocean?” he croons, and I suppress a shiver. His smile widens, eyes going to my neck where I am sure he can see the erratic pulse trying to break free from the delicate skin there.

“Nothing,” I blurt. “Can I go now?” I don’t think I can take much more of this head fuck. I just want to leave.

“No,” that one word is final, absolute.

Pushing out of his chair, he rounds the desk, and my pulse quickens with every step closer he gets. Dropping his hands to the armrests, he cages me in, blocking any chance I had of escaping this. He is so big, a massive presence in front of me, I have to tilt my head back just to look at his face. His masculine scent envelopes me, sending my pulse haywire. My nose wrinkles when a familiar smell washes over me. I wrack my brain, trying to remember where I have smelt it before. My eyes widen when it hits me. His cologne.Bleu de Chanel.Exactly what my brother wears. I would know that aroma anywhere.

Oblivious to my inner turmoil, he leans in close, his hot breath hitting my neck and making me gasp. “Next time I offer you a ride, you will take it,Ocean.You will not walk aroundmycity on your own at night. I followed you last night.” My breath hitches at his words. “You were distracted by your cell. Unaware of the dangers surrounding you. Any monster could jump out of the shadows and take advantage of you. Doanythingto you.” I feel rather than see his smile. “Like me.I amthat monster. I could have dragged you down a dark alley, had my wicked way with you, and there would have been nothing you could do about it.” I feel my eyes widen in shock and… desire? Jesus Christ, Imust be sick. Because the thought of him taking away my will, dominating me and doing to me as he pleases has moisture seeping into my panties. “You would enjoy it, though.” He pulls back to look at me. By the smirk on his face, he likes what he sees on mine. He winks, the look so hot I nearly drop to my knees and beg him to do the things he is saying. “Don’t worry,Tesoro. Our time will come.” His voice drops, husky and so full of desire, I nearly come on the spot. “That’s a promise.”

My mouth drops open. I stare at him. This gorgeous man, who seems to have taken an interest in me. It would be so easy to fall into him. To be caught up in all things him. But I can’t allow that. It’s dangerous. For him. For me…

“Can I go?” I say over the thickness in my throat.

Pushing himself upright, he grins. “You can. For now.”

He doesn’t need to tell me twice. Before he can say any more, I am out of my seat and pulling open the door. Its only when I get back to the changing room that my wits come back to me, and I silently question what the hell just happened. No way did he call me in there to ask me about my living situation. Pushing the thoughts aside, I make a mental note to stay away from Nico Marchetti. Now and in the future. No good can come from it.

Taking a seat in front of the mirror, I blow out a breath and get to work applying my makeup. A small smile tugs at my lips and I thank everything holy that I didn’t get fired. But it drops just as quickly when I remember Nico’s words.

Maybe being fired would have been the best outcome.

Chapter 9


Igrunt with every hit to the punching bag.

My irritation is at an all-time high and I feel like I am about to snap, so I needed to do something to work my frustrations out. Usually, I would fuck it out of me, ramming my cock inside a beautiful woman’s cunt. But fucking seems to be out of the picture for me right now. Because there only seems to be one woman I want to sink my cock into, and she should be off limits to me. So, beating the shit out of this bag will have to suffice. For now.

For the first time in my life, my head is a mess, consumed by a woman of all things. I don’t know why Ocean has me twisted up in knots, but it’s frustrating to say the least. I barely know the girl, yet everything about her screams to me on a level I didn’t know existed inside of me. It's primal, possessive… fucking annoying.

I don’t do relationships. Never have. From a young age, I knew what was expected of me, so I didn’t see the point. Didn’t like a woman enough to take that next step. Fucking women; leaving straight after we have both gotten off is what I do best. What I am good at. So why has this girl, some fuckingdancer,that I don’t even know, achieved the impossible and managed toworm her way beneath my skin? She is an itch that I desperately want to scratch. Yet a part of me, a smaller part, warns me to stay the fuck away from her.

“Fuck,” I curse, fury slithering through my veins at my erratic, contradicting thoughts. I punch the bag harder. The sound of my fist hitting the leather is like music to my ears. For years, I have had a roster of women for the sole purpose of taking care of my needs. They know the deal, and though some of them have wanted more, I always made sure to let them know where they stand. If they get too clingy, I don’t see them. I use these women strictly for pleasure. But that’s as far as it goes. I know some of them fuck around with other men, but it has never bothered me. I don’t give a fuck what or who they do in their free time. I always make sure I wrap it up, keeping me safe, from not only an STD but pregnancy. I know what’s expected of me in this life, and when the time comes, I will fulfill my duty. My marriage will consist of mutual respect between me and my wife but not love. Never love. I can’t afford to have weaknesses. Though eventually, I will; when my future wife bears me children. They will be a weakness, but through forming allegiances with a marriage, I will be able to protect them and my wife.

My thoughts shift back to the woman I should be forgetting. An outsider like Ocean would never be accepted, let alone protected. By going near her, I would be putting a target on her head. It would be frowned upon for me to be with someone like her. Not that I am even thinking about something serious with Ocean – I just want to fuck her – but still. I am the future Don of thisfamiglia.I will be expected to marry a good Italian woman from another mafia family to form alliances. Just like it's expected of my sister.

Blowing out a breath, I frown at my jumbled thoughts. Logically, I know what I need to do, but that doesn’t change the fact that I feel this protective possessiveness toward Ocean thatI have never once felt toward anyone before. I hate that she is living in a fucking hostel. Hate that I am still allowing her to dance in my club. The only reason I have let it go on so long is because, if she wasn’t working at The Executive Club, then she would be dancing at some other club in the city. I wouldn’t get to see her. I couldn’t just show up to where she works, or go to her hostel every night, like some creeper. Or could I… Hmm, now there’s a thought. I know in this moment, that I would if I had to. Who would stop me? No one. I run this fucking city and could buy that damn building if I wanted to.

I shake my head and not for the first time do I think that maybe she has cast some sort of spell over me. It’s the only logical answer. I can’t possibly be having these sorts of feelings for a woman... can I?

“Fuck,” I growl, my irritation growing with every erratic thought in my head. Punching this bag was supposed to ground me, yet it isn’t doing shit for me – no matter how hard I hit it. Pulling away, my eye twitches with rage that, even with an hour’s worth of hitting the punching bag, I am still in no better shape than I was before I started. Grabbing my towel off the bench, I bring it up to my face, wiping the sweat off in anger. My gaze shifts to the corner of my gym when I spot movement. Dante. With one leg crossed over the other, he watches me with a knowing smirk.

“Good workout?” he asks, but I hear the teasing in his voice.

“What do you want?” I grumble, as I continue to wipe the sweat from my face and neck.

His grin grows wider. He leans back in his seat, getting comfortable as he hitches a shoulder. “Nothing. I was just wondering if you are going to The Club tonight?”

Dropping my towel, I grab a bottle of water, twist the cap off, and gulp it down. Draining the cool liquid, I throw the empty plastic in the trash can. Folding my arms across my chest, I eyehim with suspicion. “Maybe. Why do you ask?” My gaze narrows on him, muscles tensing. I know what is going to come out of his mouth before he even says it.

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