Page 30 of Handsome Devil

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“Ah, you see, I am not the only person who wishes for grandchildren,” Contessa said to her husband. She turned to Clifton. “We will pray for a long and happy marriage and healthy babies.”

“Amen,” Clifton said.

Thankfully, the topic of conversation shifted, and the Escarras shared details of their life in Venezuela and how much they enjoyed traveling to the United States. They had visited several times over the years—not only Texas but California and New York. Contessa insisted Clifton and Annabelle must come to their home in Venezuela, so they could return the hospitality they received.

Other than the moment of discomfort Annabelle experienced when they talked about grandchildren, the conversation flowed smoothly as the families shared stories and laughter. She learned more details about Dante’s delinquent behavior—details he hadn’t shared with her. Then her father thoroughly embarrassed her by informing their guests aboutherbehavior and how pleased he was to see her mature from a partying socialite to the woman she had become.

The night ended with the sweet desserts, and everyone agreed the cake and cobbler were a fitting finish to an excellent meal.

At the end of the evening, the group slowly made their way to the door. In the foyer, Contessa paused and looked expectantly between Dante and Annabelle. “You are coming with us?” she asked.

Dante was going to take his family to a hotel before going home. Despite his repeated requests, they insisted on staying at a hotel, so he booked two suites at the best hotel in Houston—one for his sister and brother to share and the other for his parents. According to Contessa, they didn’t want to intrude because he and Annabelle would be married at the end of the week and would need their privacy.

“No, I’m staying at home until our wedding night,” Annabelle answered.

She wasn’t moving in any of her belongings, either. Dante thought her reservations were ridiculous, calling them a ‘silly notion of impropriety,’ especially since they had been married before, but she didn’t want to move in with him until they were legally married again.

It was for the best since she couldn’t erase the kiss from her mind, and she had been very aware of Dante all night. Every time his knee bumped hers or his hand brushed hers, her heart raced annoyingly fast. Every so often the phantom taste of him surfaced in her mouth, and more than once, she’d caught herself scrolling the tip of her tongue against her teeth in an effort to relive his flavor.

“Good night,querida.”

As Dante bent to give her a kiss, her stomach tightened. His lips barely brushed her cheek but sent her heart racing again.

“Good night,” Annabelle said.

She and her father stepped outside and watched the Escarras drive away before returning inside and closing the door.


Today was his wedding day, for the second time.

Dante stood in front of the mirror in a black tux. The stylist he had hired for the occasion had already left, and he was alone with his brother, Emilio, and Sebastian inside the groom suite of the venue. The 12-acre property included a chapel, a grand reception hall, and a rural landscape with rolling pastures and a pond.

“How do you feel?” Emilio asked from the sofa.

“Excellent,” Dante answered. It was not an exaggeration. He was oddly energized and upbeat.

“That makes one of us,” Sebastian muttered, pouring himself a glass of water.

Dante glanced at him through the mirror. “You worry too much.”

“One of us has to. You’re going to give me an ulcer one of these days with the shit you pull.”

Dante brushed a loose thread from his shoulder. “Don’t blame me if you have an ulcer.”

“What shit are you pulling?” Emilio asked with a frown.

Sebastian and Dante exchanged a look. Dante hadn’t told anyone in his family that his marriage to Annabelle was simply a ruse for them to accomplish their personal goals.

Sebastian smiled at Dante’s brother. “I meant that I can’t believe he’s getting married to the same woman again. Hopefully, things will work out better this time around.”

“She seems nice to me. She was friendly at dinner. I do wonder why she is marrying my brother.”

He smirked while Sebastian snorted a brief laugh.

Dante shot his brother a dark scowl. “Queladillat’eres.”

Emilio laughed. “I am not being annoying. I am really surprised.”

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