Page 89 of Marked By the Alpha

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“The pup.” The doctor sighed. “This omega won’t work.”

Simon’s voice filled with awe. “He’s pregnant?”

“Sure is.”

“How far along is he?” I felt Simon move beside me and he whispered in my ear. “We’re going to have a baby.”

“Hm, looks right about a month.” He grumbled. “This omega is useless to my research.”

The transducer moved away from me, and the gel cooled and felt weird. I heard things clanging into a metal bin and then the doctor spoke again.

“Find me an unmated,willingomega, Myra.” His voice sounded lower. “You. Owe. Me.”

“I… I’ll find one.” Myra’s voice trembled.

I heard things being shifted and the creak of what I think was the door, and then the fresh air briefly.

“Damn it!” More things banged and clanged around me. “Simon! You told me he was going into heat!”

“He should’ve been!” I heard something hit a solid surface. “That should’ve been my pup!”

“He’s yours now!” She yelled back.

The room went almost silent. I could hear Simon breathing hard.

“He is. Isn’t he?”

“See, your mom wanted to make you happy. That’s why we snatched him up.” Hands petting my head. “The good doctor did me a favor years ago. That’s why I owe him. That’s why I let him come see if your omega would work for his experiments.”

“We could travel to Transmere and start a new life.” Simon’s voice softened. “Start over. Raise the pup.”

“There ya go!” Myra sounded chipper again.

A loud bell sounded, and I heard things scatter.

“What the fuck is that?” Simon yelled.

“Shit.” Myra balked. “We have company.”



My paws dug into the earth as I ran towards the woods. I didn’t need to follow the scent. I could make my way to that clearing in my sleep.

Barks behind me had me angling an ear as my friends joined me. From the sound of their communication, Julius, Logan, and Flynn were following me.

The moment I entered the woods, I felt weeds slapping at my legs. The ground smelled mossy and because of the lack of light, my paws slipped when I hit a patch not covered in leaves. I ignored the pebbles irritating my paws and kept my focus ahead of me.

Alphas protect their mates, with their life if necessary. I failedmyomega. When he ran off, I should’ve followed. I knew Simon would pull something, and I let my guard down way too soon.

I needed to feel him in my arms, snuggle with him. Hell, I need to tell him how important he is to me.

Nolan had been missing for just over seventeen hours. If that crazy old lady had him captive, there was no telling what she may have inflicted upon him.

Anger fueled my speed as I darted between trees, over the boulders and under some limbs. Once I had my love safe in my arms, then I would deal with those who hurt him.

When I ran out of the lodge, I didn’t think about having back-up, but knowing my pack mates had my back made me feel stronger.

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