Page 83 of Marked By the Alpha

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“But no more screaming.”

I rolled my eyes, thankful she couldn’t see them. “Agreed.”

“Now I need to get some samples from you. Doctor Frangulin is interested in studying more on shifters. And my sweet Simon said you would do anything.”

“Si… Simon?”

“Mm-hm. My nephew. That’s why I’m your Aunty Myra.” Her voice sounded shrill and happy. “I need to get you ready for him.”

I felt my bottom lip quiver.

“Awww, look at you crying tears of happiness. Your little bottom lip is just a’quiverin’.”

This is the furthest from happiness I have ever been.

“My stomach…” My body lurched against my bonds as my stomach cramped, causing me to dry heave.

“Hold on.” I heard her move around the space. “Sit up a little more.” She helped angle my head, and I felt acid come up from my stomach, burning my throat.

When I finished heaving, she let me lay back, and I felt a cool cloth on my face.

“I’ll get you some crackers and juice.”

She hummed as she left the space, and I felt horrible. I just wanted to go home. That terrible smell still hung in the air, and I wasn’t sure if I got used to it, or if it really had dissipated.

My head felt dizzy again. I took some deep breaths and closed my eyes, hoping that would stop my world from spinning, when I heard the loud squeaking door and felt the gust of air again.

“Here’s some crackers.” She held one to my lips.

I took a bite and chewed it slowly. “If you’re busy, I could feed myself.”

“Nonsense.” She patted my cheek. “I need to take good care of you.”

She fed me bites of stale saltines in between holding a straw to my mouth for a drink, which was no better. The water felt slimy in my mouth as I swallowed the warm liquid down.

I shivered and felt her moving around me. I couldn’t identify the sounds I heard. There were metallic clangs and some scraping sound that hurt my ears. All mixed with her off key humming.

Something cold landed on my arm and then I felt her rubbing it around. “A clean omega is a happy omega.” She sang as she rubbed my body down, complete with my face, fingers, and toes.

Her hands moved deftly against my body, reaching under me where she could. The soap became an irritant the longer it sat on my skin, and then I felt her soaping up my hair.

“Your corn-silk hair is gorgeous!” Myra scrubbed my scalp harder than necessary. “Do you know how many would kill for hair like this?”

I swallowed and kept quiet. I had nothing to say, and I worried soap would ooze into my mouth and my stomach still wasn’t feeling right.

“There we go. All scrubbed.” Myra patted my shoulder and then I heard water running.

Cold water splashed against my body as she used a hose to rinse me off. I shivered with chattering teeth beneath the stream. She pushed the hose against my ass, shooting some water into my puckered hole, and then ran it close to my penis.

She aimed it into my slit, causing pain to shoot through me.

“Now, now.” Her voice rose over the sound of the hose. “Stop tensing. You’re making it hard to rinse you off.”

I gave into the pain and howled, feeling her hand slap me across the face. “You ungrateful mutt!”

“It hurts!” I screamed back.

“That mouth.” She sighed and shot the water into my mouth. One hand pinched my cheeks together, making it difficult to close my mouth. “Just need to wash it out so you learn.”

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