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“Psst.” Bradley kicked my chair. “Read the note, omega. Your alpha demands it.”

For the second time today, my eyes rolled back in my head. I carefully unfolded it and shivered, seeing Simon’s perfect penmanship across the paper.

Dear little omega,Your sweet ass will always be mine.Alpha

I’d always been small in stature, and the target for the packs assholes like Simon and Bradley. It sucked. No matter where I went, I had another alpha stalking me as though I were the daily special.

Even sitting here in class, I felt stifled. The stupid closet doors mocked me, instead of offering me a hiding place. The windows were no better. Anytime I looked out of them, I saw alphas staring back at me.

At least in elementary school, I could enjoy the view. Bright green leaves and grass in the spring, reds and oranges in the fall and the beauty of the snow drifting down.

“Mister Wallace? Are you still with us?” The teacher’s shrill voice brought me from my thoughts.

Bradley let out a guffaw behind me. “Naw, Miss Peach, he’s thinking about all the fun he’s gonna have as an omega.”

The class joined in his laughter, and Miss Peach rang her cowbell. “Bradley.” She placed her hips on her hips, narrowing one eye at him. “That is not appropriate for school.”

“Aw, I’m sorry, Miss Peach.”

Titters flared up around the room and I hoped the floor would open up and swallow me whole. The room around spun and my eyes fluttered closed, right after I felt like I slide from my desk.



Two years later

I cracked my knuckles in between taking notes. High school bored the fuck outta me, but college has been cool. And even if it sucked, I’d still be here because my dads stressed that being a good leader to the pack starts with setting a good example.

We had a lot of young pups, and I kinda liked that they looked up to me. Especially my little brother.

The lecture hall reminded me of convocations we’d have in high school, when they crowded us all in to listen to whatever bullshit the principal had to spew.

I sat back and kicked my legs out in front of me. Being here on a football scholarship didn’t mean I could slack. I’ve worked my balls off for the last four years. And tonight would be my final homecoming game.

Kicking my foot at the person beside me, Julius tilted his head to see me. “What?”

“You got a date for tonight?”

“Pfft.” He laughed and his brown eyes twinkled. He stood about four inches shorter than me, and had been my best friend since we were born.

All of my classes were dragging by. I wanted to be outside in the commons, tossing around a pigskin and enjoying the breeze and sun. And I knew I wasn’t the only one feeling it. When I looked over at Julius, he had doodles in his notebook.

Every point the professor was making was sliding in one ear and out the other.

A few rows ahead of us, some others from our pack were bouncing in their seats. Homecoming wasn’t the only thing happening. Tonight was the full moon.

Our pack made it a point to gather and bask in the feel and mood of the earth. We ran at other times too, but full moon nights were sacred to us.


Looking at Julius, he’s got his leg bouncing, letting his claws extend and draw back, still scribbling away.

“Psst. QB.”

Looking over my shoulder, I see the underclassman trying to get my attention. “What?”

“You runnin’ tonight?”

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