Page 15 of Marked By the Alpha

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“And he smelled like apples.” My teeth were clenched. “Which means he touched my mate.”

“Oh.” I watched as understanding crossed their faces, and I felt their hands on my shoulders as the crowd went wild. “Hey look! We won homecoming.”

“Who cares? I need to run.” I growled again.

My one dad smiled. “So go get changed and we’ll meet you at the lodge.”

“Thanks.” I gave him a half-smile and turned to my teammates, half-heartedly joining in the celebration.

Julius met me halfway and grabbed my arm. “Dude! What was up with you and Simon?”

My chest rumbled as I growled. “I think I found my mate, andhetouched him.”

“Seriously?” He let go of my arm and playfully punched my shoulder. “Man, that’s great news! Who is he?”

I felt my lip raise in a snarl. “I don’t know his name.”

“What the hell?” He chuckled. “How do you know he’s your mate?”

“Apples.” I sighed. “I smelled apples. Just like with that kid who smashed into me. Then I ran home and met an omega who smelled like apples and he went into heat. I walked him home and then came home to get ready for the game.”

We jogged behind our teammates into the locker room.

“And you smelled apples on Simon?”

“Yep.” I picked up my pace and ran up behind Simon, shoving him into the wall. “Who the fuck is he?”

He pushed off the wall and laughed. “Like I’m gonna tell you shit.”

“You mother…”

“HEY!” Coach snapped. “Inside. Now.”



A sliver of light streamed into the cave, and I curled up into myself. My leg hurt something fierce, and I knew I’d need to have it looked at. Tiny whimpers echoed in the cave, and my stomach pitched.

My entire body hurt from the abuse Simon and his lackey’s rained down on me. In high school, it started with him cornering me for kisses, sloppy kisses that left me needing a towel for my face afterwards.

Then came the hands. He always tried to make it feel like by him paying attention to me, he was doing me a favor. The truth of the matter was, he didn’t want anyone else near me.

My pack saw me as a runt. An itty-bitty tiny omega who should be grateful for the protection of an alpha. I knew my mate had to be out there. I just hoped he’d find me before Simon used me up.

Waves of pain washed over my body, causing me to shiver and curl up tighter to stay warm. I thought about going to my parents, but decided against it because they’d chastise me for not doing what my alpha wanted and running away.

But he’s only a pack alpha, he’s notmyalpha.

It wasn’t until my earlier run when I met the massive black and silver alpha that I foundmyalpha. He smelled delightful! Sweet, crisp apples.

He could’ve easily forced me, but he didn’t. He was such a gentleman!

I felt safe as he escorted me home, and I wanted him to mount me. The only problem with all this?

I have no fucking clue who he was.

I couldn’t wait to tell Flynn and Charity. I knew they would be excited for me. Guilt filled me, following that thought. Flynn probably thinks I stood him up, but that I can’t help that right now.

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