Page 63 of Taken By the Titan

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There was no getting through to her. “Step aside.”

“I’ve already called the security force; they are on their way to get you as we speak. You will face the council and answer for your sick relations with a dwarf.” She spat with venom. “We can resolve this in a good way; you don’t have to die or be exiled. I pleaded on your behalf and they have agreed to spare you if you kill that dwarf in front of the council. Prove to them that you choose us, that you may have indulged your curiosities, but that is it. They will let you keep your house and standing, but you will have to seek therapy for your… fetish.”

I knew it was the right call to send Kal away. “No.”

“You reject me? Even when I make myself a fool trying to save you?”


“You’re sick and you need help, I won’t let you destroy yourself over a curiosity!” She waved behind me and I saw the guards were on their way. I gripped her by the throat and flung her in front of me to hold them at bay long enough to close the door. “It’s too late! I already have men after that dwarf!”

I hit her hard, knocking her unconscious. I just hoped Jaxon and his desire to get Kal away from me was enough to protect him.

By the time I reached the stairs, Felman’s body was sprawled at the bottom, blood pooling from his mouth. There was a dwarf nearby, a familiar one, a petite young woman who I recently named my head servant.

“He’s here, Gio!” Hannah shouted up the stairs.

“Why am I not surprised? I knew Diana didn’t rig Kal’s hair cleaner.”

She looked to me to the top of the stairs. I didn’t need to hear anything from her. He must have promised her something, making her his thrall or perhaps even sparing her life. She scurried up the stairs where Gio finally emerged. A small shriek escaped her lips as a glint of silver caught in the moonlight slashed across her throat. She reached out to him before tumbling down and joining Felman at my feet.

Gio stood at the top. “That stupid little bitch of yours stabbed me.” He came down with a limp. “I would have healed by now if he hadn’t severed my damn tendon!”

“Good for him.” I smiled, proud of Kal’s bravery. “I can’t wait to tell him how well I’ve killed you.” My body was weak, weaker than his, but I couldn’t falter now.

“You nobles have spent so long underestimating the lower classes. Did you really think I would be happy with just taking over your house when I can become a King!” He swiped at me with a silver blade and I dodged. I needed to kill him fast. The security was trying to tear the door down to get to me.

He swung again, and I grabbed a vase and smashed it over his head. “You’re delusional, Gio. How long do you think you can rule this castle? Felman got away with it because he was at least of noble birth. I never believed you to be this stupid.”

He charged, and I blocked his attempt to stab me, but he only pulled out another blade and hit me in the ribs, driving the sharp object inside. I pushed him off and gripped my side to stop the bleeding, but it was pointless. “You don’t know what it was like to be nothing but a bum begging for coin!” He lunged and I grabbed him, slamming him to the ground and kicking the blade away.

I now had the high ground, the advantage. He spat a glob of blood on the floor. “This realm was supposed to be the start of a new life! You want to go home because you have your own castle, but what awaits me? Nothing.”

“Don’t expect me to feel sorry for you.”

“Fuck you.”

The door tore open, and I slammed the blade into his heart repeatedly until he stopped moving.

The titan guards were on me, leaving me nowhere to go or hide.



One month later…

I didn’t know how many days had passed, but they had at least given me a warm cell to stay in, which aided in my recovery. The madam’s man, Barras, stopped by, reporting that they had survived the assault and my apartments and possessions had been confiscated and the portal destroyed. I gave him a bit of my blood to use to open my hidden compartment where they would find the schematics to rebuild again and wished them well.

A week would go by before I would receive another visitor.

Freda now stood at my cell, still not pleased with me at all. They took Kal’s collar, the only thing I asked for while trapped in this room. I suppose they figured I would use the thing to kill myself. Not likely.

“What happened to our dwarven rebels?” I asked. “I’ve heard no gunshots in a while.”

“The same thing that happens to all of them, we put them down like the rabid dogs they are. But don’t worry, you haven’t missed all the fun.”

“Watching a house I’ve never cared for getting divided by you vultures sounds more boring than fun.”
