Page 32 of Taken By the Titan

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I didn’t like him at all. A thought had occurred to me, what if he was responsible for my injuries?

The human woman returned once Gio left and led me to the back, passed the bar to a room full of mirrors and soft chairs, and vanity tables that looked like a backstage theatre production. I wish I could say I was alone, but the room was full of beautiful lithe women and men and some men with the physique of an Amazon warrior. Like actors behind the stage, they each had their own way of preparing for the show. Others oiled their naked chests, some dressed like beautiful dolls ready for display in a shop window. Others wore all black and leather and silver chains.

‘What the hell have I walked into?’ I thought, taking an empty seat and trying my best to ignore the million and one stares I received from everyone in the room. They whispered to each other, small hushed voices going a million miles a minute. I didn’t want to be left alone in here with them, but I had no choice as the woman excused herself, promising a clerk would come and take my measurements and check on me soon.

Servants patrolled the room with trays of finger foods and what looked like glasses of wine. I wasn’t hungry. I was toodamn scared to eat. I heard someone call me a slouch and another remark about my scarred-up face and eye patch. The words I heard about me were hardly flattering: Scarface, slouch, one-eyed freak, balding, and the list went on, taking my self-esteem with it. I wish I had a good comeback, but I just didn’t. Truth be told, I felt like shit since that incident one month ago. I wish I could say I was so selfless that I only felt bad about causing Diana’s death. Still, I hated the way I looked; I avoided the mirror unless it was to fiddle with the makeup to cover the burn scar or add the drops to my cloudy eye. The doctor said the chemicals seared my tear duct shut, and to keep my eye from drying out, I needed the drops to keep it moist.

I didn’t want Thorsten to touch me for the first week. He respected me enough to leave me in peace. Still, I was also lonely and drowning in my own thoughts about my appearance, and the fear he wouldn’t want me again ate at me. I had nothing but my own feelings about Thorsten to confront. Not just enjoy the way he treats me in bed, but what it meant outside of it. His willingness to talk and listen to my rants and fears, him trying to placate them the best he could before he left me in peace. Why didn’t he just get rid of me? It was obvious that I was an inconvenience that caused more pain than pleasure. Did he truly believe we were fated to be? And what did that even mean?

I was used to surviving by my own will. I had no concept of something happening by the will of the cosmos. It sounded beautiful, very beautiful, and I wanted to believe it. But that also meant believing that we would meet some sort of tragic end.

“I’m so sorry!” A young woman stood near my vanity, adjusting the thick black glasses on her pursed freckled nose. “You’re new, and well, we needed to add you to our system along with your measurements, but the computer is acting up again, so I must do everything by hand.”

“I can fix it!” I said, a smile plastered on my face. I hadn’t touched a piece of tech in God knows how long, and this was just the thing I needed to…I don’t know, get back a portion of myself I felt I was losing.


I stood and headed out the room, leaving the harsh murmurs behind. The woman tripped over her feet to stop me, but my desire to reclaim a piece of my old self pushed me to do something tech-related. She finally gave up and gestured to the small office where the faulty computer sat. Missing the feel of my fingertips hitting the smooth surface of the keys, I played around with them longer than I should have. I shut it down, picked up the dusty desktop, opened it up, and cleaned it out until I spotted the faulty graphics card.

“There’s a replacement at my shop, but I don’t think I can get it for you.”

“Oh, no! It’s fine, really!” She said, voice trembling. “Now that I know what it is, I can order one.”

“Yeah…” I said, almost forgetting I couldn’t just run to my shop and grab one. “Well, you should also clean out your PC more, or it will overheat. Alcohol is a cheap alternative, and if it’s an older PC, then you may have to replace the thermal paste too.”

“Will do!” She looked around. “Please go back to the dressing room. If she saw you dirty like this, she would—”

“I would what?!” The woman in the long dress approached and pushed her out the way, and peeped into the room. “What is going on?!”

“Her PC needed to be fixed.”

“How dare you use a pet as a servant!” She rounded on the woman.

“Wait! I wanted to fix it!” I tried to explain.

“Get out now!” She crudely pulled the woman from the room.

“Wait! It’s not her fault!”

The woman ushered me back to the room. “I’m so sorry! We will give you the royal treatment for sure, please inform House—”

“I said, stop it!” I pulled myself away from her. “She tried to stop me, but I threatened her. I told her if she didn’t let me play on her computer, I would tell my master to punish her.” I placed my hands on my hips, ramping up the snotty bastard act.

“Oh.” She clutched her long string of diamonds. “Well, then. I will forgive her.”

Thank goodness! The last thing I wanted was a repeat of last month. The clerk returned with me to the back, took my measurements, and checked out the scar on my face.

“You can’t embarrass your master by walking around like this.” She said, heading to the cabinets and picking out what looked like some liquid latex. She removed my patch and gasped.

“Damn, am I that fucking hideous?”

“No! It’s just, nothing.”

The woman with the lengthy dress entered carrying a small box. “This was just delivered to the salon. For your eye.”

I nodded but had no idea what it was. Was this the reason Thorsten was out earlier today? The woman applied the latex gently covering the skin and then used a liquid foundation to blend it with my skin. After she applied my makeup and went to work on my hair, washing, drying, and styling it, I was handsome again or maybe I always was but, I don’t know. But nothing could be done about the bald patch.

“Now, let’s see about this box.”
