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“Oh, god no, but I should probably pay rent for how much time I spend here.”

In her arms is a stack of books of various genres. Some are familiar to me, but one in particular is my favorite. “Oh, I love the Blast series. The third one is my favorite.”

She clasps a hand to her chest. “Anyone who can appreciate Matt Logan is a good person. That man redefines sexy. And that scene with Bridget in the butler’s pantry? Wow. I’m Cassie, by the way.”


Her smile brightens. “Oh, I love your name.”

“Thank you.” So do most people. “I love your hair.”

Cassie raises a hand to her bright green pixie as she slips into the seat across from me. “I like to make a statement. So are you studying or working?” she asks, nodding at my laptop.

“Working, technically.” I can’t bring myself to say more.

“Can I help? I don’t know anything about business, but I’m excellent at sifting through bullshit.”

I close my laptop. “That’s okay. I don’t think I’m going to get much more done today.”Tell her the truth, a nagging voice whispers. It sounds suspiciously like Sebastian. I know I should listen. It’s the whole reason he’s helping me. But I was not prepared to start practicing immediately.

Give a girl a minute to prepare for spontaneity, please.

Smiling, I pull my stack of books closer. There’s a limit to how many I can borrow in one go, and I do not have a problem with reaching it during my first visit. “I thought getting out of the house would stop me from procrastinating, but now I’m distracted by all the books I’m not reading.”

Cassie’s laughter is light and melodic. “Story of my entire life.” She isn’t coy about checking out my selection, and I do the same for her stack. It reminds me a little of dogs sniffing each other’s butts, and sharing this observation pulls a big enough laugh from Cassie that we do finally get shushed.

“It’s like getting in trouble with the teacher,” she whispers.

“My bad, sorry.”

“Here, swap numbers with me.” Cassie passes me her phone. “I want to know what you think of that.” She gestures to the book she gave me. “Feel free to send me all your unhinged thoughts.”

When Morgan and I met, it started with a similar connection, a common interest. It feels right to slide my phone across the desk, a giddy little feeling bubbling up.

“Oh, and if you’re free next weekend, I sell my own honey at the craft markets.”

“I’ve lived here most of my life and had no idea this market was such a big deal. But I already know I need every single pin Becca makes, so you’ll have a hard time convincing me not to go.”

Cassie reaches into her pocket and pulls out a set of keys hanging from a lanyard covered in pins. “Be prepared to live off beans and toast for the rest of the month if you do.”

“That’s going to be tough, since I’m already on rations as it is.” I’m only half joking. “But maybe I can convince my roommate to share. He’s the better cook anyway, so it seems like a fair trade.”

“Oh? What does he get in return?”

“My encyclopedic knowledge of chipmunk shifter romances.”

Cassie barks out a laugh, and I’m shocked no one shushes us. “Bet he didn’t know his roommate was so slick.” An omega joke? Marry me now. “Now that is a skill worth trading food for. Your roommate would be a fool to turn it down. Especially if he’s benefiting in other ways.”

I can feel myself flush all the way down to my toes. “Sebastian’s my brother’s best friend.”

“And?” she asks, like that’s an answer all in itself. Which, fair.

“And it’s not like that.”

“Sure,” she teases, and I know we’re going to be great friends.


