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So I say the word he’s waiting to hear. “When.”

He explodes into action, ripping open my shirt and planting kisses on my neck, devouring every inch of my skin. I suck in a hissing breath.Hot, greedy mouth.More. I need more. He breaks away to capture my mouth, to kiss me with fast, brutaldemand. He steals my breath and then returns to my body, ravenously making his way south. I know where he’s going—it’s inevitable. It shouldn’t feel so damn incendiary, but I yearn for him to get there. I’m an impatient bitch who’s spent half her life dreaming of this moment, too.

I just never knew it was with him. Them. Him. Fuck, I don’t know, just that I need him there—easing the sweet ache with his tongue. Glancing down, I growl, “Horns. Give them to me.”

They erupt from his head at my command. I use them to push him down, fitting his lips where they belong. The moment his tongue connects with my clit, I cry out and arch into him. He smiles against my intimate flesh, a deep chuckle in his throat. I snarl at his slowed pace, give his horns a warning tug, and then he spears his tongue into my entrance. He drives in deep, licks the seam between my folds, showers my pussy with attention.

So good it hurts.

When he stops, I moan, “Again.”

He humors my whims. Panders to my desires.

“Fox!” I cry out, quivering into him when he hits a sensitive spot. “There!”

His long, savoring groan is my answer. His tongue lashes my clit, tasting me everywhere. With each expert move, I submit to the rising bliss. My grip slackens around his horns, and I melt against the table. It might be frozen outside, but it’s an inferno in here.

“You taste so good,” he murmurs between licks. “So fucking good.”

Faster and faster, he works me, shooting my pleasure point into the sky. Everything tightens. Coils. I’m a gasping mess, whimpering, moaning. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. It’s too much.

“Fox,” I plead, not quite knowing what I need.

“I’ve got you, love.” He pushes a finger into my tight entrance as he flicks his tongue. He explores my inner walls, and then pumps in and out. My eyes roll. So good—so right. The combination of his fluttering tongue and punishing finger is a dynamic rhythm of contrasts.

For someone who’s only done this once, he is a master. Pleasure intensifies, threatening to consume me. A keening wail slips from my lips. I bite my lip to stop it. My head thrashes, but I’m so tight, so wound up, so close to something big. I whimper. Pant. Beg for more.

“Come for me, my queen,” he groans, sliding my wetness over my seam. “Yes,” he moans, gliding his fingers from clit to ass. His hair tickles my thighs as he pulls back enough to indulge in viewing what his fingers do to me. “You love this, don’t you?”

“Yes.” My deep-throated moan urges him to spread my pussy lips.

“Your cunt is so fucking beautiful, Willow. Just like the rest of you.” His groan is almost a growl as he pushes a second finger inside, stretching my inner walls. “You belong with us.”

He drops to my clit, sucks hard, and my orgasm breaks with the force of a hurricane, ripping apart my being. Stars. Fire. Lightning. It all shatters inside me and I scream, thighs clenching around his head, spine arching off the table. He laps at me, seeing me through wave after wave of ecstasy until the storm ebbs from my body, and I collapse in the aftermath.

I cover my eyes with my forearm and try to catch my breath, try to pull my thoughts into some kind of order.

“That was...” I whimper when his tongue flicks me again, sparking aftershocks of pleasure. When they die, and he eases off, I push up on trembling elbows to look down the length of my torso. He reclines with a lazy grin. His mouth and nose glisten with my arousal. Bone-deep satisfaction is written over his face. Wholly black eyes meet mine as he licks around his lips,continuing to relish what he can. Then he tosses his head back and releases a long, shuddering sigh at the ceiling.

“Fuck,” he groans. “You are...” Another deep breath. “I lied to you.”

“What?” I tense.

Black eyes level on me. “I lied when I said reality was a disappointment. You’re so much better than I ever dreamed.”

“But I didn’t do anything.”

He rocks back on his chair’s hind legs, one hand dangling at his side, the other idly swiping his lower lip. Another long exhale as he contemplates the ceiling. Is he... reliving the experience? Committing it to memory? Savoring?

I can’t see his eyes at this angle, just the dark lashes fanning his cheeks, the thick column of his neck, the bobbing Adam’s apple as he swallows. But his body is perfectly built for the pleasure of the female gaze.

He acts like going down on me is enough, that his dream has come true. But he’s never had the experience of a woman go down on him. Something animal has awakened in me. Something possessive. I need to be the first one with my lips around his cock. I quietly slide off the table and lower to my knees. When I place my hands on his thighs, he startles. Tenses. Sucks in a breath. His chair crashes onto all fours.

“What are you doing?” he whispers.

I tug at the drawstring of his pants, and then ease the waistband down his narrow hips, freeing the length of his erection. Holy mother of... my mouth salivates at the sight of him. As with the rest of his body, his cock is crafted to perfection. Just long enough, just thick enough, just veiny enough. His musky scent blooms and unfurls in my lungs, coaxing a moan of appreciation from my throat.

I pump his length and guide the tip to my mouth, but pause. My shuddering breath draws a glistening bead of cum at the slitof his crown. I dart my tongue out to claim it. He curses one of his gods repetitively under his breath.
