The Bride and the Billionaire Grump

Being on a reality show was never my idea of fun,
But here I am, competing to date a billionaire!


Filming a few staged dates in The Bahamas? There are worse jobs, for sure.
And with the check they’re offering, I can put up with anything for a few weeks…
Aaron Sullivan is the billionaire we’re all competing for,
Sure, he’s gorgeous, but he’s also a rude, workaholic nightmare.
I just want to get my money and get out, but if I give the game away, the crew will smell a rat.
I just need to make sure I don’t get picked…


Stuffed into a suit on a sweltering hot beach,
Remind me how this is supposed to help my company?!
I’ve got a reputation problem, it’s true.
But a reality dating show really doesn’t seem like the way to fix it.
Call me cynical, but the contestants don’t appear to be looking for true love either,
Millie seems to hate me from the off, but she also seems like the only genuine person here.
I know I have to play the game, to get the public back on side,
So why not pick the one woman who seems like she wants to be here as little as I do…
And just imagine her face when she sees me get down on one knee…