Under Pressure

Author: Jisa Dean
Category: Romance
Total pages: 18

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Under Pressure

I spot Brook from across a bullet-riddled room and know…she’s mine! She might think I’ll be put off by her prickly demeanor, saucy mouth, or love for trouble but not me. I take one look at the little redhead with dyed tips and fall instantly in love. Yeah, it might be because I have a thing for I Love Lucy or it could be because I’ve been ready to meet Mrs. Right for a while now. But even when you take away all of that…I just fell in love with all the different things that make Brook who she is. And when she comes to me with a request to be her lover and teach her the things she needs to know about love…she can sign me up for multiple lessons. I’ll be her teacher, her protector, her lover but she’s got to agree to be one thing for me…my forever.

I’ve heard that I fit the stereotype for a hot-tempered redhead most of my life, so when Waylen Daniels calls me Lucy I let it slide. Well, with a few well-chosen words of course but what it leads to - a hot kiss in his kitchen - has me thinking Waylen just might be the kind of trouble I’ve spent most of my life trying to find. But will he also be the kind of heartache I want nothing to do with or could our lessons in love turn into a lifetime of Happy Ever Afters? Am I up for accepting the challenge and all the risks that come along with it? You better believe I am! I just hope Waylen’s ready for me.

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