Hail Mary

Author: Samantha Barrett
Category: Romance | Sports
Total pages: 43

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Hail Mary



People say she can be a real b*tch

I plan to embody her and make sure Corvin Williams gets a taste of his own medicine, his lack of commitment to my sister is the reason she’s dead.

Following him across the country was easy, stealing his car and trashing it was fun until I got caught and thrown in jail for the night. With only one phone call and not knowing anyone else around here, I have no choice but to call him.

When the conditions of my bail state I have to live with the person I blame for my sister's death, anger takes hold of me until a new plan formulates. I’m going to make the Reaper fall in love with me and then I’m going to rip his heart out and destroy him, just like I promised my sister I would.

The problem is, I need to make sure Karma doesn’t bite me in a*s and I end up falling in love with my sister’s ex.


I watched the life leave her eyes.

The image of her dying in my arms haunts me daily. I fled from CHU and started a new life in North Carolina, alone and without my boys. I was fine to wallow daily in my grief until I started receiving text messages at 11:42am every day, that's the exact time Cody died in my arms.

One phone call was all it took to change my plans of living in isolation, Alexa forced her way into my life and turned it upside down. Her living with me was supposed to be a good thing, I thought we could help each other heal.

Jail Bait is what she is, sexy as hell with a mouth that can do sinful things. She gets me to open up, forces me to live again, I finally start to feel something other than pain. I made the worst mistake, I let her in.

She kept her promise to her sister, Alexa Sutton broke me and this time, I don’t think is there is a way for me to survive this loss…