Five Goodbyes

Author: Melody Anne
Category: Suspense | Thriller | Mystery
Total pages: 50

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Five Goodbyes

A single moment in time can change everything . . . relationships . . . your outlook on life . . .
the capability of your body . . . and even how others look and talk about you and the integrity
of your character.

Hunter Sparks and Jasmine Anderson are in trouble. While in pursuit of an FBI fugitive, their vehicle
is hit, and sends them to a certain death, careening over a bridge, and straight into the water. As the
vehicle makes contact with its liquid coffin, Jasmine’s knocked unconscious, and Hunter’s left to fight
for their lives.

Hunter takes control and saves them both, but the subsequent falling of dominoes changes his life
forever. He's been a man of action since his first steps, and this won’t change any time soon, but as
his relationship with Jasmine transforms from a working partner at the Bureau to a woman he can't
imagine his life without, the day-to-day becomes much more tangled.

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