Ugly (Cerberus MC)

Author: Marie James
Category: Erotic | Biker | Suspense | MC | Romance
Total pages: 79

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Ugly (Cerberus MC)

Hooking up with a cop was supposed to be fun.
How joking with Detective Lennox Maison about her handcuffs transformed into her actually arresting me was something I could’ve never predicted.
I thought it was a joke at first, but what kind of person would joke about the murder of a local woman?
Lennox claimed I was the last one to see her alive.
I should have an alibi. I should be able to tell them exactly what I was doing that night.
The truth is, I can’t remember, and that argument never holds up in court.
I manage to convince her that I’m innocent, only for it to happen again.
I not only have to worry about being falsely accused of murder, but now I have to worry if I’ve put Lennox in the crosshairs of a serial killer.

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