Loving the Scot

Author: Flora Ferrari
Category: Romance
Total pages: 57

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Loving the Scot

This Scottish Laird takes care of what’s his. Can he take the woman of his dreams?

As a Laird, it’s my responsibility to take care of my lands and the wildlife that surrounds it.

I’ve had more than one trespasser, try to destroy the peace that I’ve worked so hard to build.

When I find yet another stranger on my property I do the only thing I can. Scare them off.

Only it’s not a poacher or someone trying to ruin my land.

It’s a young woman.

The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

I need to get to know her. She’s perfect – my ideal.

Sure she might be a little young, but that just means I can show her so many things.

But, I watch in horror as she begins not only to move but run away from me, not toward me.

When I catch her, and I will, I will make her mine.

She is perfect in every way.

The only problem is she’s a tourist, not a local. That means there is only a limited amount of time she is here for me to make my move.

But I’m a man who knows what he wants and I want her.

She is meant to be mine, my woman. I just know it.

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