Lash's Claim (Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon 1)

Hartley Kincaid
I didn’t get to finish college or go out as a teen. My time was spent raising my sister and helping my dad. Things change when I lose my rock; my dad. Enter Eric, my ex. He stole from me and beats on me no matter where we are. That’s when fate strikes again. Enter my Knight in leather on a chrome steed. Can I put my trust in someone else?
Tyler ‘Lash’ Winston
Growing up in the Knight’s Rebellion MC, I saw a lot. It made me realize I didn’t want a family of my own. I already have one in the club. Enter Hartley. I save her from getting beat outside the strip club we own. My entire world changed, and I don’t know what to do with it. Will an outside threat break us up before I tell her how I feel?