Black-Hearted Devil (Genie McQueen 3)

Author: Sierra Dean
Category: Paranormal | Fantasy | Romance
Series: Genie McQueen
Total pages: 92

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Black-Hearted Devil (Genie McQueen 3)

The ghosts of the past are haunting Genie McQueen.

The dead have been trailing in Genie’s shadow for months, but now they’ve decided to step into the light. When her supposedly dead mother returns from the grave very much alive, Genie knows trouble is stirring.

Mercy McQueen isn’t interested in mother-daughter bonding time. She’s back with vengeance on her mind and will stop at nothing to make her children’s lives a living hell. She’s brought along some spooks from Genie’s past—familiar faces and ones she had forgotten—to turn every waking hour into a nightmare.

The young werewolf alpha will need to use every trick up her sleeve if she’s going to get the dearly departed back into their graves. And she’ll need to face some skeletons buried so deep in the closet she forgot they were there.

Defeating Mercy will take Genie from the depths of the bayou to the streets of New York, and might just need a little something Secret to get the job done.

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