Death of a Demon (The Dark Angel Wars 3)

Author: Lacy Andersen
Category: Fantasy | Paranormal | Romance
Series: The Dark Angel Wars
Total pages: 54

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Death of a Demon (The Dark Angel Wars 3)

The demon inside demands control.

After the devastation of the Hell Gate explosion, Lizzy and her friends are on clean-up duty. Armed with new tools, they hunt down the demon possessed. But before they can exterminate a particularly feisty demon, he leaves them with a sinister warning.

The Prince of Hell is coming for them all.

At the same time, Lizzy’s own demon has been growing stronger and her control is slipping. But that may be the least of her worries. When Gabe’s disapproving parents show up unannounced and a traitor is revealed within their ranks, Lizzy must fight not only for her relationship with the man she loves, but to save her family and end this battle between Heaven and Hell once and for all.

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