Fresh Disasters (Stone Barrington 13)

Author: Stuart Woods
Category: Mystery | Fiction | Crime | Thriller | Suspense
Series: Stone Barrington
Total pages: 133

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Fresh Disasters (Stone Barrington 13)

It started out as just another late night at Elaine’s, but it ended with Stone on the horns of a dilemma. Forced to represent a sleazy but clueless con man, Stone finds that what could have been a throwaway case instead leads right to Carmine Datilla, a powerful mob boss with a notoriously bad temper and long reach. With the help of his ex-partner, Dino, Stone investigates “Datilla the Hun,” and the rest of the mob family, encountering intrigue and danger at every turn. Will Stone finally take a stand, or will he end up at the bottom of Sheepshead Bay?

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