The Other Game (The Perfect Game 4)

Author: J. Sterling
Category: Sports | Romance | New Adult | Young Adult
Series: The Perfect Game
Total pages: 112

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The Other Game (The Perfect Game 4)

From NEW YORK TIMES best-selling author J. Sterling, we dive headfirst back into the epic love story that started it all, The Perfect Game, but this time from Dean Carter’s point of view.

Freshman Dean Carter is the younger brother of campus hotshot Jack. Abandoned by their parents when they were young, Dean and Jack have a bond that most brothers only wish for. As Jack follows his dream of becoming a professional baseball player, he falls in love along the way with aspiring photographer Cassie Andrews. We see Jack get the girl—then lose the girl—and we follow his painful journey through it all via the eyes of his adoring younger brother, Dean.

With never-before-seen scenes and fresh new dialogue, Dean’s point of view is an emotional journey through relationships and the trials that test them. This isn’t the same old love story…but you will still fall. Let the gang steal your heart all over again in The Other Game.

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