Getting Dirty (Dirty 1)

Author: Cheryl McIntyre
Category: Erotic | Sports | Romance | New Adult
Series: Dirty
Total pages: 7

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Getting Dirty (Dirty 1)

Three. This is my number. It’s the exact sum of reasons I continue to go on.

One: To strengthen my body. Make it strong. Make it a machine. Make it so that what happened before can never, ever, happen again.

Two: To help others find their own strength so that what happened to me, what happened to my Olivia, doesn’t happen to them.

And three: My favorite—to find the bastards that took my life away and make them pay for what they did.

This is what my life is now. A dead man, inside a scarred body, living only for revenge.

*This is part one in a five part novella serial.

**Due to sexual situations and violence, this series is recommended for 18+.

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