Teaching the Kot'oll Coach

Author: Alina Riley
Category: Romance | Paranormal
Total pages: 92

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Teaching the Kot'oll Coach

His four arms seem to seep into my personal space. Day by day, he seems to move closer to me.
It is the first day at school where I become a librarian. The school hall is crowded with air sucked out of my lungs. There comes Telke, the big kot’oll sports teacher with his four arms, sitting next to me, feeling like he’ll squeeze into me even when he’s just there, seated.
It feels like I run into him all the time at school. I was getting annoyed until… an accident happened and he wasn’t around me all the time. Maybe I miss the big guy, or it’s just a thing with habit.

Which is harder? For him to keep four hands off me or for me to keep my two hands off him?

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