My Damaged Protector

Author: Mia Sterling
Category: Adult | Romance
Total pages: 160

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My Damaged Protector

He’s back after 15 years, living right next door.
Twice my age, still reckless as ever…and now I’m carrying his baby.

No one knew why Ian Peele left all those years ago.
Or why he’s suddenly back in town now.
When I bumped into him, the years melted away.
At first, he didn’t recognize me.
But then those dark eyes locked onto mine, and I was right back to being the girl who once loved him.
He’s different now.
A reckless firefighter with demons he can’t shake.
And to make matters worse, he’s moved in right next door to me.
He’s twice my age, dangerous as sin, and definitely off-limits.
I knew I shouldn’t have let him walk me home that night.
I definitely shouldn’t have let him claim me under the sheets. But I did.

Now, I’m carrying his baby, and trouble from my past is closing in fast.
And the only man who can protect me and my daughter…
Is the one who nearly destroyed me.

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