Alien Viking's Passion

Author: Calista Skye
Category: Fantasy | Science Fiction | Paranormal | Romance | New Adult
Total pages: 67

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Alien Viking's Passion

He is not allowed to fall in love.
But she is determined to make him.
Abducted to planet Gardr, there’s no way Aretha would fall for an alien Viking. She has only one goal: to escape home to Earth the first chance she gets.
But meeting Prince Craxon shakes her. Huge and strong, covered in marks that are white like frost, he’s now twice saved her life from the deadly wildlife on the planet. He’s obviously keeping an eye on her.
But why does he never talk to her? Why does he always run from her? She can see the bulge in his pants whenever he looks at her.
Well, if he won’t act, she’ll just have to show him what he’s missing.

Prince Craxon can’t fall in love. His whole life he has been told that if he does, the land he rules will be destroyed by a terrible monster.
So he has rejected every woman who’s ever tried to woo him, always staying icy and aloof.
But the small, round and exotic Aretha is tempting him to ignore the ancient curse. He longs to reach out and touch the alien female, but duty stops him.
After they have a steamy encounter, he has to choose between Aretha and the lives of his entire people…

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