Size Doesn't Matter

Author: Olivia Day
Category: Romance | M-M Romance
Total pages: 35

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Size Doesn't Matter

How long does it take to find true love? Cyrus P. Cartwright, an orc with a big heart and no one to share it with, has asked himself that question countless times.
When cocky, confident Nico Ross shows up in ripped jeans, an old T-shirt, and plenty of lofty ideas swirling around in his head, Cyrus might have finally found his answer. But Nico isn’t interested in love. He has eyes for just one thing, and it’s something only an orc can give him.
As they get to know each other better, the rift between reality and their desires grows all too clear. Cyrus knows he’s more than a short and sweet human like Nico can handle, and Nico is adamant that his infatuation with Cyrus will never, ever turn into love.
But people and monsters can change, and when Nico has to make a decision about his relationship, it’s one that both he and Cyrus will have to live with for the rest of their lives.

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