The Trouble With Love

Author: Jane Lovering
Category: Romance
Total pages: 80

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The Trouble With Love

This was previously published as Hubble Bubble by Jane Lovering.

Be careful what you wish for . . .
Holly Grey doesn’t get attached to men. Her life is complicated enough without the trouble of a relationship.
Her best friend Megan is proof of this. After her latest heartbreak, Megan accidentally blows up her fridge! And Holly is left to pick up the pieces.
Then Megan sees an advert for a women’s group that practises magic to help them find love. She convinces Holly to go along with her. Holly reluctantly agrees.
Nothing can go wrong. Because Holly doesn’t believe in magic.
Not the love rituals in mystical woods, the incense that always smells too strong nor the crystal balls that are more ornamental than oracle.

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