Sheltering Lily

Author: Leslie North
Category: Romance
Total pages: 37

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Sheltering Lily

I’ll be honest. My childhood sucked. Drunk father. Missing mother. So I’ll be damned if I don’t give my adopted daughter the best possible life and—someday—the best possible mom.

For now, I’ll have to settle for the best possible nanny. And that is definitely not Lily Rhodes. She’s too flighty. Not nearly responsible enough to be a mom.

Then again, she is great with my daughter.

And I do like having Lily around. She’s hot. And I’m not dead. But for my little girl’s sake, I need to find someone steady. Dependable.

Lily wants to chase her dreams and ‘find herself.’ Hardly Mrs. Right material. Still, I can’t help but imagine how nice it would be if she was Miss Right Now.

If only I wasn’t starting to like her so much. To need her so much. In fact, it’s getting pretty hard to imagine life without her.

Turns out, Lily isn’t the only dreamer…

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