Tainted Blood

Author: Cora Kenborn
Category: Romance | Erotic | Crime | Adult
Total pages: 107

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Tainted Blood

A Carrera is a master of deception.
A Santiago never forgets.
Santi Carrera is the war I never saw coming.
A beautiful liar.
The architect of my own undoing.
He twisted my loyalty into an ultimatum.
He chained me to his side with a vow of deceit.
I should despise him for all he’s done to me…
But behind those dark eyes, I see his pain.
I recognize his conflict because it’s ours to share.
Now, I’m a pawn in a new war.
Stolen by a stranger, I’ve been taken to a foreign land.
My fate rests in the fragile truce between our families.
They will tear this world apart to find me.
But he’s the only man who can save me.

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