Forced By the Bratva

Author: Maree Fox
Category: Romance | Adult | Erotic | Crime
Total pages: 58

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Forced By the Bratva

I was desperate for help, in exchange I’m forced to marry a Bratva Monster.
He’s twice my age, ruthless, and dangerously handsome.
I didn’t know this when I agreed to be his bride.
Or when he claimed my innocence on our wedding night.
Desperate for financial help with my mother’s illness, I turned to my father.
He agrees to help me if I take my step-sister’s place as a Bratva Bride.
I didn’t want to marry this callous man rumoured to be the most dangerous in town
Neither did I want to end up carrying his only heir.
I didn’t know how dangerous Feliks Sharov was, or how possessive.
He’ll bite my lip like a beast and kiss it better.
He’ll crush me against a wall and break my will,
only to caresses the bruises when he’s done.
When my step-sister becomes jealous, she’s determined to destroy me.
Even if that means making this monster take my life in his own hands.
Will his obsession with me spare my life, or will me keep as his hostage to raise his only heir?

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