Lesbian CEO

Author: Kitty Jones
Category: Erotic | Romance | Adult | Lesbian Romance
Total pages: 54

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Lesbian CEO

What happens when you start to fall for the CEO who’s driving you crazy?
Jessica Mortimer knows that her ex-girlfriend destroyed her life, but that’s fine.
She’ll destroy her company.
Everyone thinks Jessica has moved on after the embarrassment of their ruined engagement, but she hasn’t. Is that petty? Maybe, but “petty” has gotten Jessica to where she is today: the head of her own, multi-million dollar tech company.
Toni Ventrislost everything: her parents, her girlfriend, and now her uncle. She’s been in mourning for as long as she can remember, but she’s slowly finding her way back. She knows she screwed things up with Jessica, but she isn’t sure how to repair the damage – or if that’s even a possibility.
When their worlds collide, Jessica has to make a hard choice. Is she going to be the villain she’s always wanted to be? Or is there a chance she can still find a happy ending with Toni?

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