Page 39 of Her Alien Healers

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Tariq’s only reply was a low groan of raw need. His hard body pressed tightly against hers as he ground the hard bar of his cock into her stomach.

“You could make it easier still by staying naked whenever we’re alone,” Sulat suggested. He stood close enough to touch. Somehow he’d managed to undress already, his scales gleaming bright with desire.

As tempting as the idea was, she saw a major flaw with it. “If I did that, we’d never accomplish anything.”

“I can think of a few things we’d do quite a bit of,” Sulat argued.

Tariq raised his head and turned to flash his fangs at his anrik. “Less talking, more doing.”

“And I thought Sulat was the one who liked to be in control,” she sassed.

“He’s no more in control right now than I am.” Tariq caught her hand and dragged it down to his cock. “I want you. He wants you. We are going to take you, claim you, and mark you as ours forever.”

His words came out as a growl that soaked her pussy and made her pulse race with desire. “Yes. Oh fraxx, yes.” She recalled the conversation with the new arrivals not very long ago and chuckled. “I hope you have uli oil in the house.”

In response, Tariq’s cock twitched and Sulat’s voice dropped to a low rumble. “Together?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said. Veth. She really liked that word. It had led her to this impossibly improbable place where her dreams—and several wicked fantasies—would all come true.

Hard, heated skin moved beneath her hands as Tariq lifted her into the air. “Hold on, zurya. We’re moving to somewhere more comfortable.”

She expected him to carry her upstairs, but they didn’t make it that far. Instead, he stopped at the first couch he came to and fell backward onto it, taking her with her.

She landed on top of him, laughing and breathless, his cock trapped beneath her as she deliberately wriggled and pretended to try and get up.

He caught her easily, pulling her down for a long, deep kiss. His mouth savaged hers, his fangs grazing her lips and the tips sharp enough to draw blood. She didn’t care. Instead, she nipped his lower lip, her fingers raking through his hair.

She rubbed her pussy over his hard shaft, needing something to take the edge off her throbbing clit. Knowing this was some variation of the mating fever was freeing. It meant she could indulge herself in every way she’d ever wanted.

Tariq’s kisses grew harder, his tongue plunging into her mouth as he fisted one hand in her hair.

A whoosh of air alerted her to Sulat’s return.

“Where?” she asked, the single word all her brain could manage.

“Uli oil, as requested,” he said and settled in behind her. His weight made the cushions dip.

“Who told you about that?” Tariq asked, his voice a whisper against her lips.

Jody lifted her head just enough to look at him properly and saw a flash of jealousy in his gorgeous green eyes.

“I read about it while learning what I could about Vardarian mating rituals. It came up in a session I taught last week. The women were very interested in how this might work.”

Sulat’s fingers traced a pattern across the small of her back. “That’s a good answer. It means you’ve never experienced it for yourself.” His hand slipped lower, along the seam of her ass and down to her pussy.

The skin he touched tingled, the sensation increasing the longer the oil lingered on her skin. She moaned as the feeling intensified, muffling the sound against Tariq’s mouth.

An oil-slick hand slipped between her body and Tariq’s, seeking out her nipples one at a time. Every tweak and touch added to her arousal. In a matter of seconds, she was writhing between them as they caressed her with hard, urgent hands.

Sulat coaxed her onto her hands and knees and away from the throbbing length of Tariq’s cock. Once she was clear, he used his fingers to coat her pussy with the oil, making sure to make several tight circles around her clit.

Tariq uttered a groan as some of the oil dripped off Sulat’s hand and onto his cock. His next breath hissed across his teeth, and he raised his hips to grind against both her cunt and Sulat’s fingers.

“Nope. First she comes, then we do. You can wait, Riq.” Sulat’s comment made her giggle. Breaking her kiss, she turned to look over her shoulder at Sulat as he knelt behind her. He winked at her as if he knew exactly what she was thinking as he strummed her clit with his fingers.

She shivered and bucked against Sulat’s touch. She ached with need, not for one cock but for two. She wanted them both inside her. Now.

Sulat worked her clit hard for several strokes, bringing her to the brink of orgasm before pulling his hand away.
