Page 4 of Possessive Priest

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“You think I don’t like being here, River?”

“It’s not that, Harper. Everyone in our family is running their own business. I want you to be happy doing whatever you want. Don’t settle for something just because it’s in the family. I love having the extra pair of hands around here, so I don’t mind giving you extra hours. But … I don’t want this to be your Plan B. If you enjoy volunteering, then you should work for a charity organization. If you love baking cookies, then work at a bakery or something. Just keep your mind open to whatever your Plan A is. Okay?”

“I will, River. Thank you. Now, get out of here before the snow starts.”

“I’m putting that last box of coats and blankets in your Jeep,” he says as he leaves me at the ranch.

I sit behind the desk for a few hours when I notice the motion sensors going off for the gate leading to Cabin 6. I push a few buttons on the computer monitor that takes me to the security cameras to see the Rutherfords leaving the property.

Seconds later, an email comes across the screen that readsCabin 6 Checkout Videoin the subject line. The email has a video attached that shows the Rutherfords leaving the cabin. Once the guests confirm they’re leaving, the video captures the last minutes in the cabin as the security passcodes reset and the doors lock behind them. Heather’s really helping my brother step into technology running this place.

Another glance at the cameras shows the snow coming down harder and faster than the weather predicted. I still need to go back to the church with Hudson and Heather’s donation. I want one more glance at Father Hudgens. The more I think about him, the more butterflies flutter around my stomach.

I have to hurry if I’m going to beat the storm coming in, and I refuse to go home without one more chance to be around Father Hudgens.

The church parking lot is empty except for two other cars. The streets are getting bad, and if I don’t hurry, I might get stuck here. Although, being stuck at the church with Father Hudgens may be a blessing in disguise.

My heart thumps against my chest. The coldness of the dry air stings my lungs while snowflakes whip across my face as I make my way inside the church with the box of donations. Inside the lobby, there are stacks of boxes with donations ready for pickup.I don’t hear or see anyone, but my determination to see Father Hudgens pushes me to explore the quiet building.

The church has a small reception area beyond the lobby, with a large arched doorway leading into the main seating area. Every pew is empty. The altar illuminates the front of the room with beautiful gold lighting and flickering candles. There’s a statue of the Virgin Mary behind the altar and center with the aisle I’m walking down.

Suddenly, I feel wrong for wanting to see Father Hudgens. My reasons are selfish, but I’m here for a good cause. All can be forgiven, right?

That’s when I see him come out of a doorway toward the side of the auditorium.

“I thought I heard someone come in. Harper, thank you for your donation,” Father Hudgens says with a voice so deep it draws me closer to him.

“Thank you for waiting,” I tell him, taking a step back in surprise. He’s out of his priestly robe. I don’t know why I think he’s naked under it every time I see him preaching in the pulpit. That would be devilishly inappropriate.

The polo shirt and jeans he’s wearing flatters his muscular physique that I never knew priests could have. As if my mind and mouth are working against me, I ask him, “Is there somewhere I can speak to you, Father?”

“Of course, Harper. Please come with me.”

I follow Father Hudgens, uncertain of what’s coming next. What I am certain of is how much I want him. I can only hope that he wants me too.



This …

Little …


Harper is going to be the absolute end of me. How do I keep my vows when every fiber of my being is telling me that we belong together? I don’t mind her calling me Father, but it takes me to a time before I became a priest. It makes me want to hear her call me Daddy.

She wants to talk, but I can see the mischief in her eyes. The energy exuding from her tells me she wants more than conversation. I should send her home, away from me and this church, before I succumb to temptation.

Still, I have a job to do. As the parish priest, members of the church are free to talk to me whenever I’m available. For Harper, I’ll be there for her no matter what she needs. Thoughts rummage through my mind as we step into my office.

There’s a couch, two armchairs, my desk, and an office chair. I try to keep things informal but still maintain a healthy respect for whoever needs to speak to me. Harper takes the seat in an armchair in front of my desk after removing her jacket to reveal the low-cut tank top, giving me a view of her milky skin and making my mouth water.

“Um, so … I have a question, Father Hudgens.”

I take a deep breath, leaning against the desk. The hardness of its edge digging into my back keeps my mind from staring down her shirt.

“Please call me Hunter,” I tell her. I’m pushing boundaries. I know I should stop, but I don’t want to give up this game we’re playing.

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