Page 17 of Possessive Priest

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"I'm not sure. I really just want to do a comparison of last year's finances against this year since we're putting all the financial documents together for tax season."

She scrunches her face with disappointment. "Well, I'm happy to not have that responsibility. I imagine Dennis will be ecstatic when you tell him he doesn't have to do them anymore. The way he used to gripe about it, you'd think he was being punished."


"Yes, he took his duties far too seriously and was too eager when contacting members. We had a few complaints, but if you're taking over, or at least finding someone who will, he can focus on his Associate Priest duties. I'll get those books brought to you in a moment. I'm just going to finish opening up for the members waiting outside."

"Thank you, Irene. For all that you do around here."

She pauses for a beat, eyeing me from head to toe. "That sounded like a goodbye, Father. Don't leave us. You're exactly what St. Alban's needs. I'll have those files from last year brought to your office from the archive room."

Irene disappears to tend to the parishioners while I make my way into the office. There are a few dozen files for me to look over from the past year. Once I get the files from before I became the priest here, I can sort them for when Harper arrives.

The office is the perfect place for us to work with the hope of accomplishing everything we've set out to do. Memories of her sweet pussy coming all over my lips on the couch threaten to make my dick hard, and there's no way I can be in this state with so many people in the church.

I have to calm myself down. As soon as I get my erection to fade away, there's a knock on my office door. I pray it's Harper coming in early, but I know that's a long shot. There's a volunteer on the other side who hands me a stack of folders before heading back to help the soup kitchen serve our parishioners.

I get to work sorting the files, taking pictures with my phone as I go along to make sure each month can be compared to the same month of the last year. It's also easier to keep track of my sorting system. Once that's done, I search January's documents from two years ago to begin my own audit of the church's finances.

There are notes, invoices, payroll checks, and an assortment of other expenses the church is responsible for alongside the donations the church receives on a weekly basis. I can only hope that my inkling about Dennis is wrong.



It feels like the day is dragging more slowly than usual. Even with the streets clear, the majority of my professors end up canceling their classes. The free time gives me a chance to go over my syllabus and the requirements of my project. However, my mind can't stop thinking about Hunter.

The wind pushes and pulls against the garbage bag covering the hole in the window. I pull out my phone to make a call I've forgotten I need to make until now.

It doesn't ring for long before Hayden answers. "Harper, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." I sigh with a chuckle. I glance at the window just as the plastic flaps against the wind. "Well, there's maybe a little bit wrong but nothing crazy."

"Crazy like being snowed in at a church with a priest you're trying to defile?"

My eyes widen with shock. "I would never defile a priest."

"You know they're still a priest even with their clothes off, right?" Hayden asks with a hearty laugh.

I hear something in the background before Hayden exaggerates a yelp into the line.

"Shit, for Christ's sake, Halo. It was just a joke."

Halo's voice comes over the line crystal clear. "Leave her alone. If she wants to date a priest, she can do that without your input or judgment."

Hayden grunts and comes back onto the phone. "Harper, you have my sincerest apologies, being forced out of me by my wife, but still you have it. What's going on?"

"A piece of the gutter snapped off during the storm. It crashed through the window in the other bedroom."

"Hang on, Harper. I'm on my way."

"Hayden, wait a second. It's fine."

Hayden takes a deep breath. "What do you mean it's fine?"

"I mean it's fine. The glass is cleaned up and the window is taped up for now?—"

"Okay, I can swing by in about an hour to make sure you taped the window up tight enough and to get the measurements to replace the broken gutter."
