Page 58 of The Con Artist

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“So, what do we have here?” I asked.

“This container is pork belly. This one is duck, and this one is spicy beef short ribs.”

Grabbing a plate from the counter, I opted for the spicy beef short ribs. I wasn’t a fan of duck and there was no way I was eating pork belly. The thought nauseated me.

“Taking the safe route, eh?” Gabriel smirked.

“Of course I am.”

He seemed to be in a better mood than yesterday, which was good. The tension didn’t seem as thick.

“What did you do today?” he asked.

Shit. Why did he have to ask?

“Not much,” I lied. “Had a macchiato and a blueberry muffin with Edmond.”

“You and he seem to be getting along.”

“I think he likes me now.” I smiled.

“What else did you do? Did you get any packing done?”

“Not yet. I was going to start after my bath.”

Damn. These spicy beef short ribs were amazing.

“This is why I can’t trust you,” he blurted out.

“Excuse me?”

“You lie every chance you get,” he spoke in an irritated tone as he stuffed his face with pork belly.

“What are you talking about?”

“You went to visit your father at Rikers Island today. Didn’t you?”

Dead silence filled the air. I was going to kill Edmond.

“Yes, I did.” I gulped.

“Why didn’t you say so?”

“How did you know? Did Edmond tell you? Because I specifically asked him not to.”

He got up from his stool and took his plate over to the sink.

“First of all, you are never to tell my employees to lie to me. EVER! Do you understand me? I have a tracker on the car. I monitor your activities all day long. I know exactly where you go.”

I dropped my fork on my plate.

“Wow. Stalker much?”

“I wouldn’t have to do it if you just told the truth all the time. Why didn’t you want me to know you went to see him?”

“I don’t know.” I lowered my head.

“Damn it, Kate!” His fists slammed down on the counter. “Tell me why you wanted to hide it from me?”

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