Page 36 of Gunner's War

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“Oh, I almost forgot,” Judson said. “Ivy said to tell you that Dad and Grace want to talk to you about something.”


“I think so.”

“Then I better head up. Will you bring them to the house when you’re finished?”

“You know it.”

“Thanks, Judson.”

She watched as he started the ATV and gave the wolves the hands signs to accompany him. A second later, they were off. She watched for a couple of seconds, then turned and headed for the house.

The back screen door opened just as she reached the bottom of the steps. Ivy walked out, carrying her baby. “Good morning,” she greeted Oakley with a cheerful voice and bright smile. “Did Jud find you?”

“He did.”

“Good, they’re inside. Go on it.”

“You’re not staying?”

“No, we have a few errands to run, and I need to check on one of the new foals before I go.”

“Need a hand?”

“No, but thanks. I should be back before noon. Do you want to draw the blood for the next set of tests on the boys?”

“That’d be great. Thanks Ivy.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m enjoying learning from you. This project with Ba’Cho and Nashoba is unlike anything I’ve ever read about. I love being part of it, however small.”

“Your part is anything but small, and I am grateful. It’s vital I have an objective view, someone who can be impartial and go by the results in determining progress. I hope you’ll accept equal partnership for the research when we publish.”

“Are you serious? That would be amazing.”

“And well earned. Without you and everyone here, I wouldn’t have made nearly as much progress. I’m in your debt. All of you.”

“Nonsense. You’re family, and family helps family, it’s as simple as that.”

Oakley loved Ivy’s kind soul, and her brilliant mind and attention to detail. “Still, thank you. And text me when you’re on your way back, and I’ll have everything set up.”

“Super. Okay, see you soon.” She smiled down at the baby. “Can you wave bye?”

A gurgle and a smile had to do, and that was fine with Oakley. As cute as the baby was, she still wasn’t all that comfortable with infants or small children. After knocking off her shoes, then toeing them from her feet and placing them on the shoe rack beside the door, she entered the house.

Grace and Clay were sitting at the kitchen table with mugs of coffee and slices of pie on the table forthree. “Have a seat,” Grace waved to the empty chair. “Is Jud taking the boys for a run?”

“Yes, and thank you,” she sat, then added. “For everything. This past week has been so productive, and Jud and Ivy are such a huge help. Even taking care of Jackie and working as many hours as she does, she’d made time to help me with all the tests and record keeping, and—well, it’s a lot and I realize how huge a gift that is. Doing it all on my own at the res, having to make a drive here or FedEx stuff to Naomie in Texas, really slows things and makes me concerned that someone might contest the chain of possession of the specimens and that could shoot the whole thing in the foot. Anyway, thank you. What you’ve done has been greatly appreciated.”

“And part of the reason we asked you to come sit with us,” Grace said and looked at Clayton.

Oakley lifted her cup to sip the strong brew, looking over its rim at Clayton. He smiled at her. “We’ve discussed it with the entire family, had a lengthy discussion with Naomie and Russell Walker, and decided to move ahead with becoming involved with the training project.

“What we’d like to do first is make the situation here permanent, for you and the wolves, that is. You spend a couple of weeks here, then go back to the res and they have to adapt to the new surroundings time and again. Not to mention the trouble that’s been brewing over you having wolves on the reservation.”

Oakley looked at Grace. “You didn’t mention that. Neither did Micah or Trish when I last spoke with them.”

“I didn’t want to worry you, and once I told Clay, he came up with a solution. So, what do you say?”
