Page 24 of Gunner's War

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Damn. His low croon obliterated all her control, and without conscious decision, the last of her walls fell. It was terrifying and exhilarating.

“Yeah, that’s it,” he growled. “Gimme all.”

“Take it,” she replied and gave herself over to him.

Time became fluid, boundless, and Oakley flowed with it, exulting in every sensation. Somewhere along the way, she became dominant, riding him, pushing for more. He gave her control, until it threatened to make him lose his own. Then he took charge, pushed her to the edge and pulled her back, over and again until she screamed with need.

Then he gave her what she needed to take that long dive. Oakley groaned and wrapped her legs around him like a vice, feeling him pulse inside her. When they finally rolled away from one another, chest heaving, skin slick with sweat, she noticed how pliant her body was, how totally sated she felt, how comfortable and safe it felt to be here.

How much this man beside her felt like her match.

And that’s when it hit her. Somehow Gunner had taken her heart without appearing to try. She was falling for him.

And that scared the daylights out of her.

Chapter Nine

By the time they finished the obstacle course and gathered at the outdoor barbecue area on the ranch portion of the property, they were a bunch of dirty, happy folks. Gunner looked around at the men and women gathered around the beer keg, sitting on the wooden Adirondack chairs, or sprawled on the grass. There was a smile on every face.

That was no surprise. They might need this kind of practice to keep fit and combat ready, but today it was all about blowing off steam and having fun.

Charli and Oakley were the main attraction, but you wouldn’t know it from watching them. They put every bit as much into it as the men, maybe more, and they both put a lot of the men to shame.

Gunner stole a look at Oakley, sitting on the grass beside Charli. They were smiling and talking, teasing Grady, and laughing. It was good to see Oakley relaxed. Something happened this morning when they were in bed. He felt it, felt her softening. It was the only way he could describe it. She softened, let go of all that control she wore like armor.

And it apparently scared her, because as soon as they were out of the bed, she was as buttoned up as ever. What happened?

He wandered over and lowered himself to the ground beside her, and she leaned back, rested her head on his thigh, and smiled at him. “I want a rematch.”

“Anytime, anywhere, hot stuff.”

The smile she delivered made him wonder if he’d misread things this morning. Just as he had the thought,his phone buzzed. Almost simultaneously, others rang. Gunner looked up and saw Riggs staring at him. He nodded and answered the call. “Hale here.” As he listened, he watched the others to see who else received the call. It appeared to be him, Riggs, Oakley, and Grady.

As he listened to what the speaker had to say, Oakley sat up with her phone against her ear. “Yes, sir.” Gunner acknowledged the caller. “Thank you, sir.”

When he stuck the phone in his pocket, he looked at Riggs, who was just ending his call. Riggs cocked a thumb toward the parking area. Gunner nodded and leaned over toward Oakley. “Time to go.”

She nodded and looked at Grady, who was speaking softly to Charli. He looked her way, but didn’t acknowledge the call, which made her wonder if she’d gotten a completely different message.

Whatever the case, she had to leave. “Gotta bolt,” she said, and looked around at everyone. “Thanks for letting me join the party.”

“With luck soon, it will be permanent,” Grady commented.

“With luck,” she said and addressed Charli. “I’m going to swing by your place and grab my gear. I need to report back tonight.”

“What’s up?”

“Duty calls,” Oakley didn’t feel like getting into it. At the moment, she’d prefer to find a dark room where she could be alone and get beyond the gut clenching grief she felt at the news. Instead, she forced a smile and fist-bumped Charli. “Thanks for the hospitality, sis. See you soon.”

Gunner jerked his chin up at Grady, a move that obvious meant something since Grady nodded and rose.He and Gunner fell in step with Oakley. Riggs was already standing at his truck. No one spoke until they reached it. “Jesus, Gun.” Riggs kept his voice low. “Two. They lost two.:

“Three,” Gunner corrected.

“Thre—? Oh shit.” Riggs looked at Oakley. “Birdman was one of yours?”

“He was.”

“Damn, I’m sorry. Is that why you were notified?”

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