Page 16 of Gunner's War

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“Exactly. Researchers have spent decades studying wolves and discovered that the average wolf pack bears a strong resemblance to human extended families. There are many species of animals who lead solitary lives, apart from mating. But once a wolf forms a bond, that bond only breaks with death. And just like humans, adult wolves bring up wolf pups. Sometimes wolves even take care of their grandpups, if you will.

“But to cut it short, since I can get long-winded on the topic, the pack has amazing cohesion, and each member has a set responsibility and place in the pack. And everything they do is for the pack.

“Because of that natural pack instinct and due to their amazing strength, stamina, agility, and intelligence, it’s my belief that a pack could be trained to be one of the strongest teams imaginable for combat, incursions, rescues, or protection. And if that proved true, it wouldprovide wolves something they’d sorely lacked for way too long.”


“Value and protection. If they’re proven valuable, perhaps our kind will stop killing them to extinction.”

“Ah ha,” Naomie turned to her with a smile. “And there it is.”


“The reason. You have an affinity, not just for dogs, but also for wolves. I suspect that is genetic and remarkable. But I agree. It’s a worthy effort, and if successful, we might just save a noble and worthy species from extinction.

“The only question that remains is will you join us in this quest? We’re going to move forward with the plan, but we want you, Oakley. Your skills as a trainer and your affinity with the animals. We need someone who places value on them. Not just their training, but someone who loves and honors them, someone who will safe guard them and make their lives matter.

“So, the question again is, will you join us? I promise you, on my honor and my life, that you won’t regret it. We’ll pay you more than you’d earn in a lifetime, so that if you want to retire, you can live in whatever manner you choose. And we’ll respect your expertise and your bond with the animals and never second guess you and your training. This program will be designed by you. You’ll call the shots. All you have to do is say yes.”

Oakley opened her mouth, then closed it. This was like something out of a book. Naomie was either the fairy-godmother or the Jinn, offering the fulfillment of a dream Oakley never dared to hope could become real.

She was being offered everything she’d ever wanted. No, wait, there was one more thing. Did she dare ask for it? And if she was granted that request, would it even work out? There was only one way to find out.

“I will say yes if I can make one more thing happen.”

“Name it and it’s yours.”

Oakley smiled. “It’s not yours to give.”

“Then whose?”

“Gunner. I want to ask Gunner to be my partner.”

“Because you have a thing for him?”

“No. Because he’s a genuine hero, a man who never backs down, who doesn’t give up. And because there’s something about him. A quietness and strength that canines identify with and respect.”

“Because he’s an Alpha,” Naomie added.


“As are you. And wolves follow the Alpha pair, don’t they?”

“I think all canines do, some of them just don’t know it because they’re so domesticated. But they all share that trait.”

“And you want your canines to have that.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Well then, Major Rising Wolf, I guess you better talk with Gunner about that.”

“I will.”

“And if he says yes?”

“Then I reckon I will, too.”

And just like that, it hit her. She wasn’t walking away from something, she was walking toward something better, toward a chance to do more for and with the canines, and for the good of people who needed them.
