Page 5 of The Classmate

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The inside of the car is dim, especially since we’re a little far from the next streetlight. The patches of darkness at least hide the fact that I look like a tomato, blushing furiously from head to toe.

When I slide him a peek, my heart hammers in my throat. Theo cuts a sharp profile. Even in this view, he looks ruggedly handsome.

“We met a few years ago. I stayed at their place. It was my … last foster home.”

Unaware that I’m sucking in a sharp breath, Theo lets go of the steering wheel at the red light and leans against the backseat.

“I was in the system for a couple of years after my father beat me up so badly I ended up in the hospital for two months. Hence, the scar on my face. Also a couple on my body. In hindsight, that was the best thing he ever did for me because, after three homes that didn’t work, I ended up at the Tate’s.”

“Viktor’s your foster brother.”

He nods slowly. “A brother in every sense of the word.”

“I’m sorry.”

A wave of tenderness washes over me, my heart clenching hard at the thought of a teenage Theo suffering alone in the hospital. Apparently, a shitty father is something we have in common. The only difference is he has physical scars while mine are emotional and mental.

He lifts one corner of his mouth. “Don’t be. If it wasn’t for my father, I wouldn’t have met my family.”

I smile at that. It’s a weird time for it, but I envy him. God knows how much I want to go home to people who actually value me and love me and don’t find every little thing about me annoying.

“So, where do you live, Tess?”

“I don’t wanna go home yet. I’ve only had one drink, and the night is still young.”

“Hmm. I can make you another but…”

“But what?”

“My place is small.”

The words hang heavy. I know what he means. I can blame it on the alcohol or my residual anger from my “birthday party”, but I really just want to spend time with him. I’ve already spent months glancing at him when I think no one’s looking.

In fact, I started my senior year with grades that barely passed. I just didn’t care anymore. Then, I met Theo. He sat behind me in class, head down, earphones in, not paying any attention to anyone. His hair was still cropped close to his scalp. He even had a tattoo peeking from his collarbone.

He intrigued me, so I kept staring. When he looked up, everything faded into the background. My heart rate picked up, sweat beading between my breasts, and I couldn’t breathe.

His eyes were intense. He had a huge scar on his left cheek, but that wasn’t what drew me to him. It was his pull on me that I didn’t understand. I’d never felt anything that strong before.

When I found out he was smart as hell, I doubled my efforts in class. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was nothing more than a stupid rich girl.

If someone told me months ago I’d end up in Theo’s house for my 21st birthday, I would’ve laughed.

It’s not so funny now because all I can think of is it’s just him and me.

I pinch my palm, trying to make sure this isn’t a dream. “I don’t care. Take me there, Theo.”

Good thing my voice doesn’t shake, but I’m nervous—as nervous as the day one of the professors called me in class.

“You sure? You don’t even know me that well, Tess.”

“Theo, I’m not in the habit of getting into strangers’ cars and going to their houses. I’m here because I know you and I know you won’t take advantage of me, hurt me, or intentionally put me in danger.”

“Never,” he says with a steely determination that surprises me.

“Then, what are you waiting for? Let’s go.”

Theo wasn’t kiddingwhen he said his place was small.
