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“Yes, of course.” His deep voice makes me look at Michelle with that look. “Lady Bl’wski, I am here to learn more about humans and hybrid pregnancies. This is the first Akkadianan/human hybrid we have seen. Our medics are still studying human anatomy though we have noticed many similarities.”

“Well, it is good you have Michelle,” I say. “She knows human anatomy.”

His eyebrow lifts. “Yes, she knows human anatomy and we appreciate that. However, she will need to learn about the anatomy of eighteen new species.” Michelle gives him a sour look.

“The anatomies are not THAT different,” Michelle argues.

“How many hearts does a Miterian have?” the big guy asks her.

“Do we need to discuss this right now?” Michelle looks at him with impatience. “I have a human patient right now.” She leads me to the examination table with him following her. The Senior Medic leans over her and whisper just loud enough for me to hear. “if there was an emergency right now, you know that Miterian would want you to know it’s anatomy.” Michelle hisses at him, as she sits me down and assists me to lay down on the table.

“They have a primary heart and an auxiliary one.” He looks pleased with her answer.

“You have been studying, my mate.” Michelle struggles to keep a smile off her face but I feel her pride at answering correctly. That is weird. I feel her emotions.

You will feel the emotions of others, my heart, Tan interrupts my thoughts. It is what makes Akkadianans are such good diplomats and military leaders.

Thank you for the information. Now shoo! I smile with exasperation.

Michelle has a wand in her hand and she waves it over my body from head to toes. I didn’t need to undress. A hologram appears over me. There are four screens, one shows what I think is my nervous system. Another is my skeletal system. The third shows my muscles and, finally, there is a list I can’t read. “Wow! That is a handy little scanner,” I say. “What does this screen say,” pointing to the writing on that one screen. Teyana answers me.

“They are growing well!” she sounds excited.

“They???” I question. “I can’t be more than a few days pregnant if at all. How can you tell.”

“A few days is common for Akkadianans to show pregnancy and the number of young you carry on a scanner,” Teyana replies. “Why? How long does it take for humans?”

“Generally, six weeks to show on standard pregnancy tests,” Michelle answers her. “Twelve to fourteen weeks to detect multiples. Generally, towards the end of the first trimester, beginning of the Second.”

“How long are your pregnancies?” Teyana asks.

“Typically, nine months, give or take one of our lunar cycles,” Michelle responds.

“Oh my.” Teyana holds my hands, “Well, don’t you worry, Kelsey. You will be happy to know that Akkadianan pregnancies last only five to six galactic months.”

I am thrilled, as I remember Elizabeth saying she could carry up to fifteen months. But such a short pregnancy means I will blow up like a balloon quickly.

And we will be thrilled to see you carrying our sons, Tet lets me know he hears my side of the conversation.

Sons, I think. How do you know…Oh wait, your mother told me only boys come in multiples.

“If you are talking to my sons,” Teyana says. “Let them know I want a female next time but I am thrilled that I will be a grandmother finally!”

Your mother is thrilled, I let them know.

She would prefer female younglings, I am sure. Tan’s smugness is coming through loud and clear.

She did say something of the sort, I confirm. Then to Teyana, “You will have to wait a while for that female child. Let me get used to mothering twin boys.”

Michelle looks at me with startled look. “How do you know they’re males?”

“My mate, Akkadianans only birth male twins. Females are always singles,” responds the big alien.

“I have not agreed to mate with you. Please quit calling me that.” I feel she is protesting a bit much, but I understand the weirdness of the situation. I look at the big guy.

“So, do you have mating marks?” I ask. “You know that humans need to be courted, right?”

“I do have the marks,” he states, “But I do not know of this courting business.”

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