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Don’t worry, my heart, I assure her, We have plenty of credits, despite what our mother may indicate to the contrary. If we can’t afford it, we will tell you, but for now, you have hardly put a dent into the credits we have saved up.

Mother finally lets us stop to eat at one of the trendy eateries on the Council Station. A bistro that specializes in pairing Mitirian wines with different cuisines from around the fifteen systems.

“Now, your fathers are due in tomorrow. They were asked to be at that council meeting; I assume you will be there too?” Both of us nod.

“Council meeting?” Kelsey asks. “What Council meeting?”

“The Galactic Federation Council is meeting to discuss the situation with galaxy H495, solar system J2695, we know it as G348,” I say to calm her. I admit that I purposefully chose to use the planetary designation.

I know you are talking about Earth, and I wonder why neither of you told me your Counsel is discussing my planet, she looks at me pointedly then says, “I should like to be there. Is the meeting an open meeting for the public?” Before I can say ‘No,” my mother answers for me.

“Yes, Dear. You should be there!” Mother gives me that “you are trying to hide something” look, before turning to Kelsey. “I find those meetings so terribly dull, but my mates will be there to support you and your human friends.”

“What about my planet are they discussing?” My mate looks at Tan and I with a similar look to my mother.

We will be discussing the security situation and how to discourage more abductions of human females, Tan states.

“Tan, darling. Mother can’t hear your voice, but I feel you are saying something. I miss hearing your voice in my head, my child.” She sighs. “I guess you have just grown up and let that part go.” When we joined the military, they taught us to sever the link with our parents, for our safety and theirs.

“Mother, please,” My brother growls out. “I was just explaining that the meeting will be about securing G348.”

“You mean Earth, right?” Our mate clarifies. “You should use ‘Earth’ if that is what you mean. We are more than a number. I am sure you don’t call your planets by their designation numbers?”

“Yes, my heart,” Tan acquiesces. “We should use ‘Earth’ Now that we know what your planet has been named by its people.”

I am sure if you showed me the star charts, I could tell you the numbers humans use for you. She giggles a bit as Tan looks at her and growls. “I just reminded him that you folks aren’t the only ones with number designations for planets,” She informs my mother, causing another round of giggles as my mother snorts inelegantly.

Dinner continues on at a leisurely pace. Kelsey and mother sharing more stories of our families. I am saddened to think that Kelsey doesn’t think her parents would notice her disappearance. I know that I would notice her missing. I would do everything in my power to find her should she go missing. My heart squeezes in fear at the very thought. I have to acknowledge that my mate means everything to me.

Chapter Twenty-Four


“My lady, there is a Misagian here to see you.” I could hear the timid little male through the door as I waited in a cold room with no windows.

“Send the captain in.” A harsh female voice sighs.

“Um…m…my l…lady,” the small man stutters, “I…it isn’t the s…same c…captain that you know, my lady”.

“What? Who is it?” She sounds powerful “Oh…Blast it all… Show the fool in and I will ascertain why this one has come.” I will show this female that I am not a fool.

“Yes, my lady.” The obsequious little male comes and directs me in. This female must be powerful. I stride into the room and there she is. She is not large, but she projects power. I drink it in like mother’s milk. She is magnificent. Not beautiful by the standards of my people, but I sense the need to keep this female in my life.

“You’re a female.” I say with the disbelief. Upon seeing how this female makes me feel, I am struck with the realization, she is my mate. Ugly as her species is, I know this, and she is not a beauty by any standard; triangular head topped by dark green hair that is scraped back in a knot on the top of her head. I suspect that hair is her best feature. Her eyes are round and buggy. She has two arms that end in three clawed fingers and eight tentacles that protrude from her back. I best keep an eye on those, unless they are around my dick… Probably even then, if I want to keep it.

“Yes, yes, I am a female,” She looks at me with sharp eyes. “The real question is who are you and what are you doing here?” She thinks I don’t know that the politeness is a ruse. “I mean that I have only one Misagian captain that I do business with and you are not him, so I assume something has gone wrong with the mission he was sent on?”

“Yeeeesss.” I assess the room around me. She does have power. However, I will be the power over her.

“You need to quit looking,” she says like she thinks she knows me. “There will be no males coming to do business with you. I am the head of the An Ratha family. Were you not informed?”

“Um, no, my lady.” I use the polite title, but I don’t feel polite. I continue my perusal of the room, “There were no instructions about who we were doing business with. Just that I was to come here and report to the head of the An Ratha.”

“Who gave you these orders?” There is a quirk to her thin lips. She will be sucking my cock when I am done with her, but for now, let her think she is the power here.

“It was in an encoded data file left by Captain Schnel’Dn to be delivered to me, his second-in-command and first cousin, upon his death,” I inform her.

“So, he is dead? What happened?” She asks.
