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“What?” I am the first to answer.

“Captain, I have just sent you what we found, when we started removing panels.”

“That was really fast,” Commander Max notes.

“Well, I was monitoring the evacuation and we started as soon as you were the last on board.” Typical Chief we are still on b. oard and he isn’t waiting for the command officers safety.

“Is that a bomb?”, Max asks.

“Well, what is left of one.” The chief confirms, “It had enough of a charge to destroy a localized area, without taking out the whole ship. Someone wanted us grounded.”

I knew it! Tan feels triumphant then concerned.

Just what we were thinking. Definitely an inside job.

Suddenly, we hear a blast from the store room door. Commander Max starts running and growing as we hear the shouts of his mate and youngling. His beast is let loose and we just follow behind. Hoping our mate is safe. Finding the Misagian Pirates in the room, we quickly dispatch them all… Well, Max in his beast form tears most of them apart. We are just there for a bit of clean up. We try to see if we can get answers, but if there are any left they escaped.

“Where’s our mate?” I ask Maryellen.

“Kelsey?” She says. “I don’t know, she, Millie and Yaretzi were in the back looking at the wall, there is a hidden passage, I think they snuck out. Hey, can’t you just use your telepathy to ask her where she is?”

Kelsey, where are you? I am not happy with her response.

Scram! You buzzkill. I don’t want to talk to either of you! I am surprised.

“No,” I let Maryellen know, then I lean in close and whisper. “She just keeps telling us to ‘scram’ and that Tan and I are ‘buzzkills’. What does that even mean?” I can tell that Max’s mate is trying to hide her amusement at our predicament.

“I think she was feeling a little stifled and, maybe thought it would be better to go off with the girls. Remember she is still young. An adult, but still a young one.”

“Frustrating.” I sigh heavily, “I need to contact the Senior Council and advise him of the situation.” I move off to the other side of the room and make the call.

“Senior Councilor. I am sorry I don’t have a lot of time. We have three missing humans,” I advise Councillor Ar’Arrith.

“I have found one. She is at the security desk.” he states bruskly. “The other two walked out of the building.” Fuck, she is out of the building and the Senior Council has one of the other two? Tan shares in my concern “Enlighten me, Captain, to what is going on there.”

“I am sorry, Senior Council. One of the two that snuck out is our mate, sir,” I inform him.

“You and Commander Bl’Wski have claimed a human?” He sounds almost horrified.

“Not fully, Sir,” I confess. “But we are showing marks and felt her leave the building.”

“I will deal with the female at the desk, you and your brother better find your mate before the traitors do.” The com goes dead. I shrug and look to the beast that is the most esteemed Marine Commander.

“Commander, take your mate and the rest of the females to quarters now that your marine contingent is here.”

Chapter Eighteen


We are all lead off the ship into a storeroom near the hanger bay. There is some kind of chemical leak in the ship, so we not only had to dock but evacuate the ship. Millie, Yaretzi, and I find an unattended back door in the store room. We are up for an adventure and have a way out from under our guard’s nose.

“We need to stick together and protect each other,” I tell the other ladies. “Remember, we don’t want to be captured by the bad guys. Just want to get a feel for this station. Maybe, do some shopping. We will charge it to my mates!”

“You are crazy,” Yaretzi says, but she is right there with me as we sneak out of the store room. “Let’s get going. We only have a few hours before they figure out that we are gone…That is if we are lucky.”

Millie is with us. A bit of a surprise given her timid nature, but not unwelcome either. She is rather cute with mousey brown hair and soft eyes. However, hearing about her stories makes me wonder what kind of tiger she really is. We head out carefully into the empty hallway. Do we know where we were going? Oh, Hell no we have no clue, but we are on an adventure. When we got to the end, we had to chose. “Which way?” Yaretzi asks.

“I don’t know,” I tell her. Millie reaches into the pocket of her pants and pulls out a quarter and hands it to Yaretzi.

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