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Chapter Fifteen


Tan and I strode onto the Bridge. Our top officers had finished their change over procedures with the previous shift and were monitoring any anomalies reported.

“Navigation, report!” I call out once I am seated in the command chair.

“Sir, we are within less than a quarter solar from the Galactic Federation Council’s Space Station,” Lt. Oh’ Nek, bridge navigation, states.

That is a relief. Tan stands behind me.

“Engineering, report!” I just want to get this part of our day over with. Reports give me an idea of how the ship is running and where I need to crack skulls together.

“Sir, all systems appear to running correctly, but there is an abnormality in life support systems,” my bridge officer reports. “Chief Hr’Rcki is looking into the anomaly, but has not classified it as yet. He says he will let you know when he knows, Sir.”

Typical chief engineer, no respect for the officers, but he loves this ship as much as I do, so I don’t get too upset with his insolence. As we continue the reports, I can feel our mate with her friends discussing the pregnancy of Commander Max’s mate.

That was quick, Tan notes with a grin. I hope we are as lucky…or not.

I look back at him with a grin. Tan has a little back and forth with our mate. We can tell she is not opposed to breeding with us, but I also sense her need to lead us on a merry chase before she is willing to settle done. I block her as I tell my brother, Don’t worry, we will tame our wild human.

You better hope it is before she has us tamed. I look at him in horror at the thought. Would we ever get used to her whirlwind nature?

Probably not, says my brother.

Suddenly, several relay alarms go off right before an explosion causes the ship to shake.

“Engineering!” I call. “What is going on.”

“Sir, there was an explosion in Section 2.” The ensign at the engineering station calls back, “There are several injuries and two deaths, reported at this time.”

“Put me through to Chief Engineer Hr’Rcki!” I order.

“Yes, Sir,”says the Ensign.

“Captain,” Hr’Rcki responds to the hail, “I really do not have time for this social call…Sir.”

“I understand that Chief!” I reply. “Do we need to evacuate?”

“No, Sir, the old girl is flying still and will make it to the Council Station,” He assures me. “It will be a rough landing, but have everyone strap in and we will make it.”

“Thank you, Chief. I expect a report when we land.” I thank him before shutting down the comm. I feel my mate’s fear, but she is fine for the moment. I have 350 crew members to worry about currently. Tan sends out the order for all personnel to strap in, as I prepare the bridge for landing procedures. Including letting the Council Station know that we are coming in hot due to an unexpected event. The timing of this explosion is too convenient to be a coincidence.

The Chief didn’t lie when he said the landing would be rough. It was more than rough. Tan and I checked on Kelsey together, my heart, are you alright?

Well, I didn’t barf, but that landing could have been a little smoother. I don’t know what she means by “barf”, but it sounds unpleasant, so I assume she is alright.

It takes several units to get reports from all stations. The human females were all in the mess at the time of the explosion and all were strapped down for landing. It seems only section two was affected by the explosion, but Tan and I along with Commander Max were requested to section two by Chief Engineer Hr’Rcki.

As we strode down the corridors to the lifts, Tan and I take a moment to make sure our mate stayed safe.

Chapter Sixteen


We think it would be advisable if you stay with the ladies in the Officer’s Mess. We will be busy here. Tet and Tan speak with one voice in my head. So freaky.

I will discuss this with Maryellen. She will probably agree. However, Michelle left with the big purple dude already, I respond.
