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He kissed the top of her head. “No more than I love you.”

“Good. Then you don’t mind if we redecorate this bedroom, do you? I want a blue comforter.”

He chuckled. “I would do anything for you to make you happy, as happy as you make me just being with you.”

“I’m glad I spilled sticky soda on you that day at the Dallas mall so long ago.”

“I’m glad your dad was instrumental in getting us together both times.”

“Me too.”

Then they finally drifted off to sleep and this time Fiona let Arman chase her—but next time? Well, it was a toss-up. Adding some variety to life was what it was all about!


Despite Jasmine’s sincerity in wanting Fiona to become a guild member and learn how to be an assassin with her, Fiona knew she was too newly turned. And she was still practicing her dreaming skills, and everyone loved how she could give them the most pleasant of dreams but still get enough sleep during the night. Besides, now that she had parents again, though she was eighteen, they wanted her to finish up her high school diploma online. So she was still working on it.

Her birthday party had been the best ever, with presents galore from family and friends, but more than anything, her birthday party had been the best because she had so many friends and she was able to reconnect with her family. Even the vampires who had fought off their enemies stayed to enjoy the party. It had really been great. And this time, she had danced with Arman during most of the songs—not having to stop because of fights between mummies and toga-dressed teens. She loved dancing with her father, and then her brother too.

She and Justin were thrilled to be getting to know her parents, both of whom were working with hunters who had been newly turned to teach them their new vampire ways, including Fiona and Justin. They treated him like he had always been their son. They also treated the vampire princes and their mates as family. Of course everyone wanted to know what was taking Ruric so long to find a girlfriend. But he said the right girl for him was somewhere in a faraway galaxy, and Fiona wondered if he would ever truly find one.

Life with Arman had been great. Sure, he could be bossy at times, a little controlling, but mostly because he was concerned for her safety like Levka was with Caitlin. Stasio was with Jasmine also, but he was really low key about it because she had a reputation as a vampire assassin to maintain. Fiona was glad they had so many other vampires in the group who were the best of friends too. Her whole world had changed for the better once Arman had come to her rescue and she had reconnected with him and joined him in his world.

* * *

Arman was thrilled to have Fiona in his life and he knew she felt the same about him, even when he was concerned for her safety and was a little bit overprotective. He loved how she infiltrated his dreams at night to make them even more pleasant and had become his vampire mate for all eternity. He couldn’t have been happier than the way that things had turned out between the two of them.

He was glad he had accepted that he had needed his friends in the quest to keep her safe and that everyone loved her as much as he did. Some of that might have been because she chased all their nightmares away. Even Levka had privately told her he appreciated how she had helped Caitlin overcome her nightmares about the sharks in the ocean since she’d had two experiences of being in the water before she’d been rescued. Though he hadn’t told Fiona how he was glad she’d helped deal with his nightmares, Arman knew he was glad for it.

Fiona had even given Ruric futuristic dreams that he had shared with them the next morning, just delighted. Whether any of that was anything more than fantastical dreams or maybe a hint of visions of the future, they didn’t know, but Ruric loved it nonetheless.

Justin was busy with college schoolwork in Scotland, rather than returning to the States. In fact, everyone had stayed here. The estate was big enough for many more, and when Arman had a chance, he was taking Fiona and her family to see his Welsh castle.

Even Stasio’s cousins and Jasmine’s brother were hanging around for a bit. They said it was because they knew how Levka and his pack were always getting into trouble and it might behoove them to visit for a while longer. In truth? They loved the swimming pool and the tennis courts, the chef’s outstanding meals, and the camaraderie they enjoyed at the estate for the time being. Arman and the others loved having them there.

He heard a splash in the pool and wondered who had gone swimming. Most everyone was just chilling in the living room except for Justin who was at a class at the college and Fiona who was finishing up a high school assignment on her computer in their bedroom, everything in their bedroom changed to blues. He loved it just as much as she did. Though if she had wanted an all-pink bedroom, he would have been just happy—as long as he had her in his life. He glanced out the window and saw her in the pool, fully dressed. She hadn’t quite gotten her transporting skills down yet. Smiling, he headed into the swimming pool room, pulled off his shoes and jumped in, clothes and all.

She laughed. “You didn’t have to join me out here wearing all your clothes.”

“It’s the easiest way I can take you back to our room.” And then he transported them dripping wet there.

“I’ve got to work on transporting more.”

“With me in tow.”

“I have news,” she said, wrapping her arms around him, pressing their wet bodies together.


“I’m a high school graduate! Four months early. Now I can enroll in college. But I have to wait until the new session starts and I have to take the test, fill out the paperwork?—”

“You’re a vampire now.”

She smiled brightly. “You’re right. I can just”—she snapped her fingers—“transport into classes and finish up a degree in no time.”

“Not transport.”

“Hmm, I could convince the college to give me a degree.”
